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| Chapter Thirty - Two — Recite |

Minghao's head feels like it's been hit by a boulder, eyes squinting at the harsh light. He doesn't know what it is, instead whines at the pain in his skull, squeezing his eyes shut and moaning in agony.

"You're awake." Someone says, almost sounding relieved.

Minghao doesn't open his eyes, just sighs softly, trying to make the headache go away.

He can feel his arms looped around something. He comes to the conclusion that he's tied to a chair, something he should've expected as soon as he stepped foot inside.

There's also something on his mouth, he figures it out when his sigh just wafts back into his face. It tastes gross, and Minghao can practically smell the stickiness of the duct tape.


Minghao creaks his eyes open the slightest, humming in a silent plead.

Then, the person steps into the light.

Amidst his hazy gaze, Minghao's eyes widen, his heartbeat accelerating at the mere sight of Jungwon and he's 100% sure he's just lost a braincell. He feels so happy, yet so unsure, not knowing how dangerous the boy could very well be now.

If he's gone this far.... would he ever return as the Jungwon he used to know?

"Stop thinking." Jungwon says, zero emotion on his face, "I can practically hear you."

Minghao just stares at him, eyes welting up with tears of guilt, shame, sadness, and anger.... and so many other emotions he doesn't dare to list. There was too many to explain how he feels right now, in this moment.

"You must know why you're here," Jungwon begins, crossing his arms and leaning against the drywall, unamused.

Minghao's here as bait.

Nonetheless, he tries to answer, only for his voice to come out muffled against the tape.

Jungwon merely rolls his eyes, making his way over. Minghao hisses sharply when it's ripped away, mouth immediately spewing a thousand apologies.

"I shouldn't have hit you." Minghao sobbed, "I shouldn't have turned my back on you."

"You're right." Jungwon agrees, "You really shouldn't have, hyung. We wouldn't be here right now if you... or honestly anybody asked me what was wrong." Jungwon's tone slips into a whine, "Just one question, hyung, that's all... I just wanted somebody to ask me if I was okay, don't you get it?"

"I do, and I'm so sorry."

"You don't mean that."

"I do." Minghao corrects, desperate. He feels the dry blood on his temple, all cracked and messy from earlier, "But Jungwon, you need to listen to me.... Riki's—"

Jungwon throws a knife at lighting speed, Minghao screaming when it hits the wall right next to him, just inches away from his head, maybe centimeters.

Jungwon just grits his teeth, "Don't ever say his name around me again."

"Wonie, but he's—"

"Spare me the chitchat." Jungwon huffs, walking over to receive his weapon. Minghao watches him rip it out of the wall, watches him clean it till it shines, the wallpaper all scratched and dirty, "Let's just wait until everybody gets here. Then, it'll be a party."

"Wonie, please." Minghao's near sobbing, "You don't have to do this," He sniffles, "If you only knew tha—"

"Ah! You're up!" It's Minnie. Minghao doesn't even have to look, having found out just by the clack of her heels, "It's so good to see your eyes again. I thought we hit you too hard. It would've been such a shame."

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