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| Chapter Twenty - Two — Woke up in Japan |

Riki and Eunchae stumble inside Umji's bedroom eventually, the others following soon after, only to have the shock of their lives.

Wonwoo drops his gun, shocked.

"Holy shit." Seungcheol curses.

Joshua just swallows, shaking and glancing over at Minghao and Mingyu in shock, eyes screaming for answers.

"She—" Minghao pauses, "She saved our children."

Everyone was just shocked. Everybody seeing Umji, and the others finding out that Riki's alive and that they're in fact not seeing a ghost. Too much was happening.

"A-Are you okay?" Jihoon pulls Soonyoung into a hug, squeezing him, "Fuck, I thought—"

"I'm okay." Soonyoung assures him, "You can't get rid of me that easily."

"You're fuckin' tellin me."

From afar, Kazuha hasn't let Riki go. It's been at least 5 minutes, "Don't ever disappear again. I'll beat you harder."

"I've gotten stronger, I'll have you know." Nonetheless, Riki knows she'd fuck him up anyways.

"Baby, how are you?" Seungcheol asks Jeonghan, patting his head when Joshua brings the older into a hug, "I'm so sorry we weren't here. I'm so, so fucking sorry."

"I'm okay." Jeonghan tips forward, resting his head against Seungcheol's all whilst squeezing Joshua tighter.

Then, all of a sudden—

"Yah!" It's Jihyo. Her sudden shout makes at least half the room flinch, frightened even more as they all watch her swipe Wonwoo's forgotten gun from the floor, pointing it right in Yuqi's face, "What's this bitch doing here?!"

"Jihyo, don't!" Minghao screeches.

"Get her out of here! Did she follow you guys?!" Ricky shrieks, just as concerned.

"We've already got somebody on our backs, and now you're dragging Carnelian back into all this shit?! Haven't you learned?!" Yunjin stares at Minghao and Mingyu like they're stupid.

"Guys! Calm down! She's harmless!"

"Tell that to the hundreds of lives she ordered her people to end." Xiaojun leans off the wall, arms crossed, "She's responsible for that entire fight! She helped your father!"

"I know!" Yuqi shouts, "And I'm sorry! I know that no apology will ever be able to condone for what I've done to all of you, but please for the love of God know that I regret absolutely everything!" She exclaims.

"Still lying. What a fucking snake." Jihyo clocks Wonwoo's gun, Yuqi gasping.

"Park Jihyo!" Minghao hands his daughter to Kazuha, stepping in front of the gun, chest right on the muzzle, "Her word is good! Just let us explain everything."

Jihyo squints her eyes, "You're gonna have to do more than explain."

"Is he not enough evidence?!" Mingyu gestures towards Riki— The boy back from the dead. When Jihyo and the others stay silent, he continues, "He's alive and breathing. Yuqi helped him."


"His body was taken!" Eunchae pushes past Riki and everybody else, glaring hard at the older woman, "Cardinal revived him, Unnie. He's standing right there because of Yuqi and her people's help. Sure, what she did was messed up, and we'll never be able to fully forgive her, but we can fucking trust her. Especially with all the shit that's going on."

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