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| Chapter Fifty - Two — CUFF! |
| 📍Seoul, Gyeonggi |

"I told you!" Minghao slams a hand to the table, the chain of his cuff rattling against the metal, "I told you, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about!"

The detective shakes her head, "Lying won't do you any good, Mr.Xu. You're already in a world of trouble with the law and fabricating what actually happened and where you've actually been won't help you."

Minghao slumps his shoulders, "Please," He's desperate for answers, "Just tell me what's going on. I was just here yesterday with Junhui and Soonyoung! Going over the wine killer and trying to trace down the murderer! Why is this happening?!"

The detective runs her eyes up and down his torso, "You have no bruises, or cuts...." She speaks like she's completely ignoring him. It makes Minghao's blood boil, "On the outside, you don't seem to be injured. Mr.Xu, have you been on any medication over these past few years? Any drugs, or—"

"What?" Minghao laughs because it's absolutely unbelievable, "I've never done any of that! I don't know why you're fucking doing this to me! Everything was fine!"

The detective hums, tapping her pen on the table, "Something seems to have messed with your head."


"You're either lying very well, or you're showing signs of early dementia. It's common in humans at least 30 years of age. And you're precisely 30 or around that now, are you not?" She writes something down.

"I don't have dementia." Minghao furrows his brows, "I know what happened. What I don't know is why I'm in the midst of being arrested by my own colleagues! Actually, shit— I've never seen you! Are you new?"

"Please refrain from cursing me out, sir. It won't do you—"

"It won't do me any good, you've said so." Minghao huffs, "Just tell me. Please, I'm begging you. Why are you keeping me here? It doesn't make any sense!"

The woman just looks at him. It's so infuriating, "Tell me," She drops her pen, leaning closer with clasped hands, "Do you truly not know what's going on?"

"I don't!" Minghao insists, "I really don't! All I know is that yesterday I was working peacefully, and now I'm being held against my will for no apparent reason!"

"Oh, there's an apparent reason, alright."

Minghao parts his lips, "What?"

"You wrongfully murdered multiple, innocent people and escaped prison. That's so many life sentences, I can't even begin to explain how bad your life will be from now on."

Minghao's heart drops.

"Now... where are your former coworkers?" When Minghao doesn't respond, the detective continues, "Kwon Soonyoung and Wen Junhui? They disappeared soon after you, and we've had no trace of them for years. Did you kill them, too?"

"What?!" Minghao tries to shoot up, but the handcuff holds him back. He hisses, rubbing his wrist the best he can, "Why the fuck would I kill my friends?! And for nothing?! They were just here with me yesterday, fine, happy and healthy! Why are you accusing me of murdering them right now?!"


"They're my best friends! Bring them in here, they'll back me up!" Minghao tugs at the handcuff, "This joke isn't fucking funny anymore!"

"I assure you, it's no joke, Mr.Xu. You disappeared that night and now all of a sudden, you walk right through our front doors. It means something. I need the truth and only the truth from you."

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now