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| Chapter Eleven — Smile flower |

"Tell me." A knife slashes across the meat of a man's thigh, his screams like music to what could be anyone's ears, "Tell me where the fuck you all are hiding."

"Please stop!" The victim shouts, "I don't know! I swear—" He's cut off with another howl of agony as the blade slices the pale skin of his arm.

"That fucking X on your neck tells us otherwise." This voice is shrill behind the mask covering it, and the former Carnelian member cowers away in fear of not having the opportunity to see the torturer's face.

"I swear! I have no idea...." The man sobs, "I left after that huge fight over 4 years ago! They might've moved!"

"So you do know their location." The voice drips with venom, the tip of the knife threading to apply pressure towards the victim's windpipe, "Whether it be passive or present, I want the location." The victim can tell when a smile catches onto his torturer's face from the crinkle of his eyes, "Do you understand me?"

"Yes! Yes, I swear!" The man pleads desperately, "J-Just don't kill me, I'm begging you! I have a wife and kids I have to get home to! I haven't been apart of Carnelian since—"

"The fight— we fuckin' know." The evil culprit rolls his eyes, pulling away and walking back and forth all whilst innocently spinning the knife between his fingers, "I might just spare you if you spill." And then, he's bolting over, practically on top of the man and pressing the knife so far into the skin of his throat it dares to draw blood, "Tell me where they're hiding."

"In Japan!" The guy sobs, tears beaming in his eyes. It's almost beautiful, "E-Ever since Cerise ditched their hideout in Japan, Carnelian has made it their new h-home..."

The torturer's eyes widen momentarily before he's smiling again, pulling away, "Good. That wasn't so hard, now was it?"

The man drops his head between his shoulder blades, ashamed.

"So, they just moved in, didn't they?" The evil being cackles, shaking his head in amusement and throwing it back to get a good laugh in, "God, that's just fucking pathetic."

"We should head down there." A woman jumps into the conversation suddenly, voice taunting and heels clicking against the floor almost painful to the ears.

The torturer rips off his mask, face bright with a smile, "Thought you weren't coming until 9." A pout mixes in with the victim's soft sobs, "I was just about to finish him off. You wanna join?" A smirk paints the culprit's face.

"Sounds fun." And without hesitation, the woman is taking the knife away, twirling around so fast it could make someone dizzy, watching  through her thick lashes in satisfaction how the tip of the weapon penetrates the poor victim's skull, making his chair tip over.

He goes crashing to the floor with one last breath, dead almost immediately.

"Nice aim." The original evil being laughs, walking over to rip his knife from the man's forehead, wiping the blood on his clothes.

"Thanks." The woman shakes her hair from her face, silky strands falling to the low dip of her back, "My brother taught me, said I was our top thrower." She laughs, smile soon falling after a moment or two.

"We know their location now." The other sighs, patting her shoulder with a determined look, "We'll avenge him, Minnie."

Minnie smiles, "We will, Jungwon-ah." She looks him in the eye, "We will."

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now