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| Chapter Sixty - Six — KIDULT! |
| 15 mins before the explosion |

Even when Yuqi reveals where she's hidden the kids, that doesn't stop Minghao from getting a little revenge.

With Mr.Kim all bloody and rolling around on the floor below, Yuqi's doubling over in front of him.

He refuses to punch a woman in the face, but that didn't mean he couldn't kick the everloving shit out of it.

Yuqi spits out blood, and Minghao rolls his eyes, "Okay, that's all I'll do for now." He slips off the brass, throwing it so it hits Mr.Kim in the face. He laughs at the curse that follows, as well as the blood, "Restrain them please." He asks of Jungwon and Seunghan. 

And soon, Mr.Kim and Yuqi are tied to the chairs just as he had been.

"You won't get away with this!" Mr.Kim snarls, blood painting his teeth and he looks like a fucking animal.

Minghao rolls his eyes, punching the man right in the nose. With Mr.Kim letting out a strangled cry, Minghao begins, "Cut me off during my speech, and I'll slip on those brass knuckles again, yeah?"

Mr.Kim swallows.

"Allow me to explain everything." Minghao sits down on the table, "I'll start from the beginning.... So.... that was... Oh yeah! The day you 'died.'" Minghao gives Mr.Kim an annoyed look.

"H-How did you—" Minghao hops off the table to grab the brass again, slamming it across Mr.Kim's face once more, Yuqi flinching next to him in fear.  

"I said don't cut me off." Minghao sighs, "Anyways," He sets the accessory down, getting situated again, "I know that shitbag wasn't you back then. He might've sounded just like you, sure, but I know the voice of Satan. And he was merely a demon."

A bombshell.

"W-What?" Another punch. A silent reminder.

"Like I was saying." Minghao wipes the blood off his knuckles, "I know that wasn't you. I know your pathetic ass wouldn't show up like a real leader. Instead, you hid, all this time might I add, and you put someone else in your shoes," Minghao slowly trails his eyes to Yuqi, "And this little bitch knew about it."

Yuqi swallows.

"And to begin your actual plan, you stole Riki from us and revived his heart, as that would be our immediate trust given to you on a silver fucking platter. Correct?"

A pause.

"Eventually, that whole fight with Amaranth happened. I know you weren't expecting it. It fucked up your plan for a little, huh?" He nudges Yuqi's chin, the girl gritting her teeth in anger, "But coming forth, it actually ending up helping you. Me 'losing my memory' would mean I'd be more obedient, would it not?"

"You little—" Mr.Kim coughs, blood hitting Yuqi's cheek when it flies out of his mouth. Minghao retracts his fist, popping his knuckles with a huff.

"You were so ecstatic, it was truly funny." Minghao grins, "Anyways, the night before I left for Chicago by myself, I had called a number hidden deep down in Joshua's notebook. It took a while to find it, but I did. And— Boom." Minghao gestures to Seunghan, "Another one on my side."

"I despise my brother dearly, but if siding with him was an opportunity to finally get away from you, I was going to do it." Seunghan punches Mr.Kim playfully.

"You snake!" And then he's punching him not so playfully.

"And Wonie?" Minghao gestures to the boy, "You can explain it, kid."

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