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| Chapter Forty — me when i |
| 2 days ago |

Jimin holds his hands to his ears, slapping them in panic because he can't stand the sound of gunshots being fired nonstop, can't stand the screams that sound like his family when he gutted them without remorse.

Jimin's locked himself in the storage room, blonde hair falling over his eyes as he drops his head in his lap, hugging his knees to his chest, trying so desperately to sink into himself because he can't bare facing up to the fact that this was happening again.

He knew what joining a gang would come with, he knew everything would come back to him one day, he knew that if he joined, killing people would become a daily task.

But he can't.

He physically and emotionally can't even bring himself to open the door, to welcome the fight ahead.

Carmine and the others had come for them. They'd actually taken the bait.

But Jimin knew they'd come for Minghao even if it meant death, and the thought scares him alone. Nevermind the fact that they'd do anything in their power to get him back safely. That meant stopping at nothing, just like Jimin has did with his family.

He killed them for freedom.

Just like Carmine was doing for Minghao.

"Jimin-ah," Jungkook has been knocking on the door for quite some time now, groaning and shooting stray members that round the corner and crowd before him as he stands there openly and it makes Jimin feel sick, "Let me in." He urges.

Jimin doesn't respond, instead opps for shaking his head even though the younger can't see him do it.

He feels like a coward.

And by god, he is one.

He'd rather hide like an idiot in this storage room until everything was over. He'd go for ignoring that diamond on his skin and settle for saving himself instead of others, just like he's done ever since 2010.

He doesn't care. Not about this gang. Not about Minnie or Shuhua.

Not about Jungkook.

Jimin tells himself that constantly.

It's almost like he's trying to convince himself, stumbling over his thoughts and decisions while Jungkook begs him to open the door, practically a target to any Carmine member he comes across, having been standing right outside the door, not leaving once.

"Go away." Jimin utters out, "Please."

"I won't." Jungkook replies with a muffled voice, pressing a hand to the door, "I won't leave you alone."

"I can't do it." Jimin sobs, feeling helpless, "I can't do it."

"And that's okay." Jungkook tells him, "Baby, that's okay. You don't have to go through this again. Just let me stay with you, let me see you. You shouldn't be—"

Jimin opens the door halfway through Jungkook's words, quite literally pulling him in the room and shutting the door behind him, locking it just as fast as he tugged the boy inside.

Jungkook's doe eyes are partially widened, "Are you—"

Jimin tugs him close by his collar, slamming their lips together and it almost feels like the world stops, like he's been deprived of something he never even knew existed, like he's sitting on the burning stem of an megalomaniac firework, just about to tip over the edge to blow and it's incredible.

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