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| Chapter Seventeen — wa!t |

Minghao stares at Riki for a moment longer before taking stumbling steps forward, crashing into his arms and hugging him the tightest he's ever hugged somebody in his life.

Riki hisses at the pressure, but brushes it off, patting Minghao's back, "I'm okay."

Minghao just caves even more at his voice, sobbing into the crook of the boy's neck and shaking his head so fast it's surprising when it doesn't screw right off.

"H-How?" Minghao finally pulls away, wiping at his eyes, hands firm on Riki's shoulders.

He looks like he hasn't aged a day.

Aside from his now dark hair, he looked the exact same, just like the last time they all ever saw him. It was heart wrenching.

Riki just smiles, glancing behind him.

Minghao turns around only to find Yuqi with a shy grin on her face, shrugging like she didn't do a thing.

"You?" Minghao's voice is frail.

"I'm sorry we took his body." Yuqi pushes her son behind her, sighing softly, "But I had to help him... I had to help you."

"S-So—" Minghao trembles, taking a peek at Riki again, "So, he's been here all along?"

"I was in a coma for a year." Riki answers for Yuqi, meeting Minghao's eyes again, "I woke up as healthy as any other. I was sore, but over time, they had managed to fix me up." Riki holds out his arms, looking down at his chest and patting it softly, "Of course, there's permanent damage in my heart that will unfortunately never be able to be fully healed, but..." Riki nods, smile boxy and welcoming, "I'm okay."

"T-Thank fuck." Seokmin rushes over now, leaping onto Riki as well, gaze foggy with hot tears, "I missed you so much, kid."

Minghao's lip wobbles, and he's turning to Mingyu, shrugging gently with a laugh of disbelief.

Mingyu doesn't respond, going for pulling Riki into a hug as well, his own tears hitting the boy's shoulders. Riki just tells him it's okay, that it wasn't his fault and that he was completely okay now. It doesn't make Mingyu feel any better. If anything, it makes him feel worse.

"Don't beat yourself up, hyung." Riki pulls away, scratching at Mingyu's hair like he's the younger one, "Saving you was an honor."

"Fuck." Joshua's walking forward now, hugging Riki as well, "I really thought you left us." He sighs shakily, pulling back and patting him on the head.

"Me too." Riki chuckles.

Jihoon, Wonwoo, Seungcheol, and Hansol just stand there awkwardly. They'd never really had a chance to get to know Riki in the time that he'd been there, but don't get them wrong... they still were beyond glad he was alive, even told him exactly that; each getting in a hug of their own.

The group felt whole again.

"Who got your heart beating again?" Minghao sniffles, placing a hand on Riki's chest, still crying, "I-It was completely stopped when I felt it back then..."

Riki just looks at Yuqi once more.

"Before my life turned upside down, I'd majored in Healthcare. I was almost a surgeon." Yuqi shrugs like it's nothing, "So, I know a thing or 2 about heart problems and stuff like that. Pretty convenient, right?" She chuckles.

"A fuck ton." And Minghao's crashing into her as well, hugging her tight, "T-Thank you so much." He sobs.

Yuqi just holds him even closer, "Don't mention it, really." She sighs, a sense of relief seeping deep into her veins, "It was the least I could do. It was wrong to—"

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now