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| Chapter Fifty - Seven — This page I'll rip in 2 |

Jungwon opens his eyes to only stare at the wall, stretching as he welcomes the dark room after falling asleep before supper. He doesn't care though, it's all he does now.

He just sleeps.

Closes his eyes and dreams his life away because it feels like it's slowly leaving him.

White noise rings through the air as the fan runs circles above him, but Jungwon can't hear it. Not at all.

He'd officially lost his hearing yesterday, and he feel asleep in hopes to wake up from the nightmare, he'd asked Yuqi to put him down, had to practically beg her to sedate him because he couldn't do it then.

But now, he's excepting it.

It's the consequence.

No matter who tells him, or no matter whatever is said.... Jungwon knows it's his fault. He knows everything that has happened over the past year is all on him, knows that Umji and Minghao are gone because of him, knows that they have children who only have a single parent left in their lives and it's all his fault.

Jungwon flinches when a hand squeezes his own, the bedside lamp flickering on to reveal Jay. It feels like he's been here every single day, Jungwon wouldn't even fight it if someone told him he had.

Jay doesn't say anything because Jungwon won't understand, instead he looks, a soft smile painting his lips, eyes a bit pink as if he'd fallen asleep right by his side.

Jungwon looks away, hair falling in front of his face.

Jay pushes it away, and Jungwon winces at the touch, screwing his eyes shut because fuck, he's so guilty. He doesn't think that feeling will ever leave.

He's tapped on the shoulder, soon enough, Jay seeming to inhale before pushing over a familiar notebook Jungwon didn't even see him grab.

They've only done this about twice since the batteries in Jungwon's ears died, and now he feels like it's something that will end up sticking for however long the rest of his pathetic little life is.

Jungwon sniffles, dragging the book closer.

How do you feel?

Jungwon stares at Jay like he should know the answer because he obviously should.

Nonetheless, he snatches the pencil from Jay's hand, jotting down a reply.

Like shit.

His answer makes Jay crack a smile and Jungwon wants to smack it off. He just but barely brushes it off, rolling his eyes and scooting himself up so his back presses against the headboard.

Jay takes the book again.

Any headaches?

Jungwon huffs, slamming the pencil down when he finishes writing.

You're giving me one.

Jay laughs.

You're very energized today.

I'm running off my annoyance.

Yuqi said your scans are getting better.


Why do you say that?

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now