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| Chapter Forty - Seven — it's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do |

"Have I told you I loved you today?"

"A million times." Eunchae pokes at Riki's chest, "You'll never love me more than I love you, though."

"I call bullshit."

"You need to eat soap."

Riki gasps, "I'll die." He says, "Again."

Eunchae's jaw drops, "Wayyyy too early for jokes."

"Sorry." Riki giggles.

"We'll laugh when we're 80."


"That's what I said." Eunchae hums, scribbling in  her textbook. She was sitting at her desk whilst Riki twirled around in her bed, picking at his nails, counting the designs on her headboard, as bored as one could ever be.

Riki rolls out of it eventually, walking over to Eunchae and sighing.

He doesn't say anything, just leans down and hugs her from behind, swaying them back and forth as he watches her shade in a rose, "It's beautiful."

"You're messing it up, sunbae."

"Yah, just let me hold you for a second." Riki huffs, resting his head on the back of hers, "I'll be careful."

Eunchae groans, letting it slide, "If this turns out bad, you're dead." She states, "Again."

"Wah, and you said it was too early for jokes. Who are you?"

Eunchae giggles, turning to look at him. She stays silent while her eyes wander around Riki's face, and she sighs in content, on the brink of the happiest she's ever been.

She's shattered over Minghao and Umji, having been at the scene amidst both of their deaths, nearing the horrible edge of traumatized.... but there's a part of her that still wants to celebrate Riki's return.

"Am I that good looking?" Riki flips his hair like a child, ruining it.

Eunchae turns pink, rolling her eyes, "You have lettuce stuck in your teeth." It's a lie, the best she could come up with.

"What?" Riki snorts, picking at his teeth, "I didn't even eat lettuce."

Eunchae smiles, turning her attention back on her artwork, "You're ridiculous." She gets out, shaking her head and flipping a page when she finishes the first.

"You're so mean." Eunchae groans when Riki leans down, holding her once again, arms looped around her shoulders, eyes closed, "But I love you, you know?"

"Not more than—"

"Shut up." Riki pouts, stuffing his face into the crook of girl's neck.

Eunchae coils back in surprise, as ticklish as she's ever been, "Wait, wait—" She whines, shaking as she tries to get away, "Truce! Truce!" She pleads.

Riki giggles. Giggles— like he's truly happy, "I'm so glad I have you." He says, fingers coming to a stop as the tickling dies down. He watches Eunchae's face soften, how she smiles up at him, proving she's the most beautiful girl he's ever seen.

He loves her.

He loves her so much.

Eunchae sighs, holding a hand to his heart. She doesn't say anything, but this is enough. It's healing.

Riki leans down to kiss her in a fit of the moment, hands cupping her cheeks as gently as he can, treating her like China's most breakable porcelain.

But before they can meet, lips barely brushing, the door is swinging open.

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now