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| Chapter Sixty IQUY T'NSI OHW UOY KNIHT |

Chaewon forms something with her fingers, hands shifting into a message Jungwon understands as soon as she takes ahold of the notebook, jotting it down.

That means 'Duck'.

Jungwon snorts, taking the pencil.

Why do I need to know that?

Chaewon shrugs, admitting on paper that it's one of the very few words she knows. Jungwon just grins, dragging the led across the paper in another sentence.

How do you know sign language?

When my Mom wasn't high on drugs when I was little, she'd teach me some. She was hearing impaired.

I didn't know that...

I've never told anybody.

Chaewon flips the page because it's already full of their conversations.

It's 5am now. They've been talking for almost an hour now. They should be tired, but as expected, the worry and anxiousness is eating them both alive.

I only know a little, but I'd like to learn more. I want to help you.


Because although I have no idea how painful being deaf truly is, I've seen the tole it takes on people. My mother drank herself to Hell because she couldn't take it.

I want to help.

Jungwon's not gonna lie, he feels shivers slither down his body.

Chaewon slaps a hand over her mouth, turning pink out of embarrassment. Jungwon can't help but grin when she writes something down as quick as she can.

You'll be fine, though! Ignore me!

It's okay, Chaewon. Thank you.

Chaewon lets out a breath of relief, slumping back in her chair.

Jungwon shakes his head in amusement, closing the book. He's a little tired, and his eyelids are slowly drooping, but that deep, sulked feeling still weighs heavy on his heart.

They're so scared for their team.

Chaewon just sits there, looking at him for a second before signing something. It takes Jungwon a hot minute to get it, but he understands when she visualizes her words with a long yawn.


Jungwon shrugs, not really having an answer. Chaewon gets it.

There's a knock on the door then.

Chaewon turns around to find Yuqi. The woman leans on the doorframe, arms crossed. She looks exhausted, Chaewon finds out why when she opens her mouth, "Finally got the kids back to sleep."

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