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a/n: i'm so sorry 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

| Chapter Thirty - Five — I loved when it was just us |

"L-Let me go." Jungwon sounds like he's beat the world record for how many bottles of beer chugged. He feels like he's been shot in the brain and in the midst of a hangover because he drank past his limit.

Shuhua doesn't listen, still dragging him by the ankle and Jungwon wants to cry.

The concrete scrapes at the back of his head, damaging his wound further and Jungwon feels like puking. It's so painful, his head is throbbing from the force of the rock's hit that Shuhua inflicted on his skull.

He's still bleeding, can feel it running down the nape of his neck, leaving a sticky trail only for the rain to wash away.

"Stop fucking squirming." Shuhua scoffs, squeezing his leg tighter, sharp nails digging into his skin.

Jungwon winces, not listening.

He manages to pull his leg away after wiggling around, sitting up as quickly as he can, holding a hand to the back of his head as he stumbles to stand upright.

"You little—" Shuhua practically jumps onto him after regaining balance, slamming him against the brick wall. Her wet hair slaps him in the face, and her eyes impale his bubble of fear he's been keeping in for so long.

Jungwon doesn't register her hands wrapping around his throat until she's squeezing as hard as she can.

"Y-You can't ruin this." Shuhua's breath is shaky as she exhales, the tips of her nails leaving indents in Jungwon's skin, "I haven't waited this long just for some kid to come and fuck this up. I won't have it." Shuhua growls, watching Jungwon turn purple, "I'll just make this quick and easy, yeah?"

"P-Please—" Jungwon can't even cough, settling for scratching at her hands instead, trying to pry them off his neck with the last little bit of energy he has.

"You're about dead anyways, I'm just helping you, darling." Shuhua smiles sadistically, pressing him further into the wall.

"D-Don't—" Jungwon shrivels in her hold, eyes threatening to roll to the back of his head. He's quite literally pushed up the wall, the brick sharp against his back, scratching along the back of his head as if he were still being dragged by his ankle.

He'd be able to push her off and easily get away if it weren't for the fact that she's smashed a rock over his head just minutes ago.

He's weak.

And maybe that's what he's always been.


It's then when Jungwon realizes why he did this. Because he was weak..... weak, and because of that, he went out on his own and betrayed his loved ones, fighting for the lost life of his best friend and ignoring the thought that maybe he was watching from the sky and lowering his angel wings in disappointment.

Jungwon was weak.

He was so... so weak.

Jungwon inhales a little too sharply when the hands slip from his throat, Shuhua being tossed to the concrete by somebody Jungwon doesn't bother checking, only focusing on getting oxygen back in his lungs.

"Fuck, you okay?" Mingyu hisses, reloading his gun. When he receives a nod from Jungwon, he goes to pay Shuhua a visit.

Someone else bends down next to him now, Jungwon recognizes him as Zhang Hao, "How do you feel?" The older examines his wound, wiping the blood from his eyes, "You'll need stitches. Is it tender?"

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now