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| Chapter Twelve — Promise? |

"Promise me you'll stay safe." Umji sighs, patting both Mingyu and Minghao's shoulder, "The kids can't afford it if you get hurt." She pushes the twins behind her legs, looking at their parents seriously, "Promise me."

"We promise." Minghao takes Umji's hands with a reassuring smile, "We won't get hurt. We're just searching. There won't be any fighting, we can guarantee you."

"Jungwonie wouldn't hurt us." Mingyu adds, "If he's made it all the way down there by himself, he's strong. He'll remain that way and won't lay a finger on us. We'll be fine, Umji-yah."

"I just can't help but worry." Umji swallows, "Don't leave them alone." She's talking about the kids, tears beaming in her eyes and it's honestly surprising. Neither Mingyu or Minghao had ever seen her this way before, "I can't stand the thought of children without parents."

"We'll be fine." Minghao says again, "And besides, whatever happens, she has you."

Umji smiles upside down, "That's sweet." A sigh, "But nothing compares to you 2."

After the mushy talk and lots of hugs, everybody's finally leaving. The lineup consisting of all the mains. People like Joshua, Seungcheol, Jihoon, Wonwoo, etc. Eunchae and the other younger ones stay behind, keeping guard of the hideout.

"We'll find him." Mingyu had placed a hand on Jay's shoulder, watching him sink in his own emotions as they slump, "We'll keep contact with you 24/7. We'll update you with everything, alright? If we find him, you're the first person who will know."

"Okay." Jay responded weakly. He was weak. A little too weak and vulnerable.

And with that, as well as hugs from the kids that almost shatter Minghao and Mingyu's bones, they're boarding their jet with heavy hearts and stone cold chests.

Having stayed behind, Eunchae watches the jet fly away with a swirl of hope in her eyes, holding her hands to her chest and praying to a God if there was one.

"I really feel like he's down there." Jay says, swallowing and watching the jet get smaller and smaller the further it flies away.

"He loved Japan." Eunchae lets Jay know, "There's no other place he could be."

Jay keeps his eyes on the sky, breath heavy, "We made him feel unsafe." He states the obvious, "We made him feel small within his time here, and we belittled him and made him feel like he couldn't talk about his feelings," He looks over at Eunchae, heart broken and pumping weakly, "We fucked up, Chae."

"Big time." Eunchae bites her lip, taking a deep breath, "And when we meet again, I'll apologize until he begs me to stop."

Jay laughs softly, crossing his arms, "He's out there, I can feel it."

"Me too." The jet was gone now, only the little strip of cloud leaving it's trace. Eunchae hugs herself, taking a deep breath, "I know he's okay, my heart says so."

Jay hums in response.

"What does your heart say?" Eunchae looks up at the sky, overwhelmed. Jay watches her with gentle eyes, "Tell us what to do, sunbae." She begs the sky.

Jay doesn't say anything, just lets the girl soak in the moment of speaking to Riki.

Jay feels sad that whilst he at least has the hope of soon finding Jungwon, Eunchae has absolutely nothing but a little puff of cloud and sunlight to speak to.

The silence overtakes them, swallowing them up and spitting them out again.

Jungwon's out there.

Somewhere they don't know, but he is.

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