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| Chapter Four — HALT |

Jungwon pushes his way past everybody, unwanted tears fogging in his eyes.

He feels so bad, so confused because he didn't do anything. Not a single thing.

Getting blamed for something when you didn't do it is like a shot in the heart.

Jungwon loves Chaein and Riki. He loves Mingyu and Minghao's kids so dearly, treats them like they're his little baby siblings. Jungwon wouldn't touch a single hair on their head.

If he really did scare Chaein, he didn't mean to. He really didn't. There was just a lot on his mind, so much resentment and anger bubbling up within him that it made his face morph into pure rage. He thinks Chaein might've looked over at him then.

He feels so bad.

He should apologize.

But he's a coward, and he'd rather run away than face up to the fact that he just scared a child because he was thinking about hurting someone who shouldn't be hurt.

Their father, nonetheless.

Fuck, he did do something wrong.

The wedding reception is still going on, and by going on, Jungwon means that the newlyweds are making out in the corner of the room and the remaining guests are wiped out, drunk and snoring at the table. Jungwon doesn't see Riki Junior anywhere, thinks that he must've run away to his parents just as Chaein had. That just makes him feel worse.

Jungwon wipes at his damp face angrily, feet stomping as he walks away.

What was happening to him?

Eunchae was fine, Minghao was fine, Mingyu was fine— Everybody was fine.

So, maybe Minghao was right...

Why was he being so frustrating all of a sudden? Jungwon knows it's 100% because his friend's death has finally caught up to him, and he knows that Riki's body is still out there, God knows where.

The thought alone makes him shiver.

Before Jungwon can round the corner, he's bumping into somebody. He sniffles, immediately whipping his head to the side, "Ah, hyung." He basks his emotions with a chuckle, clearing his throat, "What're you still doing up?"

Sunoo takes Jungwon's wrist, "Why are you crying?" He ignores Jungwon's question, taking quick notice of his state.

"I'm not."

"And your cheek is red."

"It's not." Jungwon insists, pulling his arm away to rub at his wrist, "I'm okay."

"Bullshit. Where's Jay? Did he hit you?"

"What? No!" Jungwon exclaims.

"Where are you coming from? Your room? His?" Sunoo asks, his cheeks puffing out as he pouts in concern, "Jungwon-ah, you're not okay. Don't act like we haven't noticed."

What a load of crap.

Jungwon laughs.

He begins cackling all of a sudden and Sunoo doesn't know what to do.


Just then, another clap of footsteps, "Jungwonie?" It's Eunchae. Jungwon hears her before he sees her. She's frowning, walking into their attempt of a conversation, one that Jungwon so desperately wants to get out of, "What's going on?"

Jungwon's out of breath when he finally finishes laughing his guts out, hands on his knees as he bends himself upright, "You are the most hypocritical people I've ever met." His words are like abrupt venom shooting into their veins, "Get the fuck out of my way." And he's pushing past them, Sunoo hitting the brick wall harshly and Eunchae almost falling over.

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now