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Chapter 3 Go Home with Me

"Merciful God of Creation, you know that my life is short, just like a mayfly..."

After the thermostat was turned off at a scheduled time, the air suddenly became cold, and Ningyou gradually woke up from her uneasy dream. The first thing that returned to his vision was his hearing. Strange intermittent words, like reciting poems, lingered in his ears.

It was obviously not his mother tongue, but the brain of this body reacted to the meaning before him.

When she woke up from such a dream, Ningyou suddenly remembered the beginning of every day in her hometown surrounded by mist.

"Your light shines over the world."

"I... have sinned deeply... pray for... forgiveness."

"Please be with me."

Ning You sat up, her consciousness gradually clearing, and the noise outside the window rushed over her. Then get into the ear. This space station does not simulate the change of day and night. When the windows are opened, there is a gentle breeze and the sky is bright. The air is fresh and the humidity is appropriate, all adjusted within a certain range according to his preferences.

Ningyou lazily leaned back on the bed and closed her eyes to rest.

When he spoke, his voice was a little dry: "What is that sound?"

"...Pray. There is no auditorium here, they gather on the first floor of the center."

There was a bug in response to his words.

Ningyou was startled and jumped up from the bed like a frightened cat!

He originally wanted to ask the system in his mind, but he never wanted to wake up and blurt out the question.

He grabbed the quilt and looked at the worm next to him with a hesitant expression: "You are..."

"...General of the Imperial Army, General of the Regiment." The worm lowered his head and answered, "Angeses Manrong."

His army The hat is lowered very low, and the dark blue pupils are hidden in the shadows under the brim of the hat.

Unfortunately, when talking to a sickly male insect, he still failed to contain the oppressive aura he habitually carried around him in time. Obviously, he didn't know how to chat with male insects at all, so the conversation ended at the beginning.

Angerses lowered his gaze and added unnaturally: "The Asian female on duty has been transferred. I'll watch it."

Ningyou shrank her shoulders as if she was a little scared, "Oh."


Realizing that she didn't Being good at communicating with you, Angerseth simply turned around and walked towards the paging device in the room.

"Um." Ningyou reminded, "The paging button is for the central inpatient department."

The implication was that even if the person who came this time was not a stupid insect like Beimi, it would definitely be a medical insect who was willing to drink the nutrient solution.

He had just escaped from the clutches of the nutrient solution and did not want to be captured again.

"Yes. You need to eat now, otherwise you may faint again on the spaceship heading to the resettlement site due to lack of physical strength."

Ning You's eyes lit up when she heard about the resettlement site!

He completely ignored the first half of the other person's sentence: "Where is the resettlement place?"

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