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Chapter 18: The annoying

C-11, deployment building.

The conference room is composed of hundreds of seats and suspended display blocks on all sides. When the screen is working, it emits a faint blue light, filling the entire room with a dull feeling.

The space is huge, but there are only two insects standing in the front and back.

They are both armed females of the flying military, and the pressure emanating from their bodies competes with each other in the slowly flowing air.

Angerseth operated the remote control and brought up a picture.

"Milans is in internal turmoil. The war will begin in three days. Before that, you can bring one or two troops to support and transfer the ordinary insect personnel to the space station nearby." When

giving the order, the military female looked at the floating screen and her voice was cold. calm.

His condition was as usual, but the other female insect seemed to burst into laughter from her throat.

"Sir," Ellison said, "I don't know if it is necessary, but I still want to remind you that during the dormant period of the base, you have the authority to temporarily dispatch troops to perform tasks once and only once. If I remember correctly, Milans also It does not belong to the support range of the Third Army."

Angeseth Manjon turned to look at him.

"It belongs now."

In just four words, Allison's doubts were thrown back.

The general of the legion, who was well versed in the rules of power and possessed unquestionable power, left no room for questioning by his subordinates.

The approach is the same as he has been in this position for more than ten years. The silence of the powerful brings suffocating and terrifying power.

Ellison: "Yes, sir."

He saluted, exited the door of the conference room, stood still, and then turned back.

"Angeses." He called the military female by her name, with a relaxed expression. "Do you have something to tell me?"

Angesus turned off the display.

In an instant, the weak light around them was completely extinguished, the conference hall dedicated to military deployment was plunged into darkness, and the indicator lights outside the door indicating that official business was in progress were also extinguished.

Angerses raised his eyes and looked at the female insect opposite, the same-level insect who had graduated from the First Military Academy with him at the age of 18 and entered his female father's legion. There are only a handful of training bugs who can directly enter the empire's direct legion from the military academy. Angerseth and Ericson are the only two in that class.

Among insects of the same age with equal merits, Erisson's level is already superior enough, but Angeses took over the position of the female father not long after he was promoted from the exception. The military ranks of the two insects are different, and it is rare for the private insects to Communicate on occasion.

Ericson looked at the pure-blood butterfly tribe standing in the darkness.

Angese Manjon was indeed gifted in war, and in terms of strength and strategy, there was no doubt that he was on par with his female father. No insect ever disobeyed his orders, for there was no reason for them to act recklessly under his watch.

This high-ranking military woman is paranoid, crazy, arrogant and cold. He is a born leader, not close to insects, destined to be alone, so he never has a weakness.

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