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Chapter 22

The butler's eyes twitched when he started to act.

The young master is a female insect.

The "Etiquette Law" stipulates that even between relatives, female insects should use honorifics towards you and must not offend you.

After hearing this, the gentleman's eyes widened slightly, and the next second they actually lit up!

"Baby, you are finally willing to date you."

The young man nodded fiercely and brought up the screen for the male to see.

The resume information on the screen is very simple, as if the insect scribbled it out based on his mood when registering, and did not take this important information for the date seriously.

However, the photo next to it is incompatible with the mediocre text. It is too delicate and beautiful, like a ceramic doll placed in the most conspicuous position in the window. You can judge at a glance that it is worth a lot of money.

"Who is this?"

"Father, you don't know." The young man said, "The circle has exploded! The Manjong family's private ship has been ferrying him in and out all day long, but I asked the insect to check and found that this one just landed in Fu The Desolate Star Bug that was born in Freelands is not in the family list of the Manjong Family at all."

"All the noble bugs in Freelands are now discussing the composition of the forces behind him."

"The Manjong Family?" said the male bug. , "Ian Manjon?"

Holy shit!

The housekeeper was shocked.

Doesn't the young master know that his female father, the head of the Kaze family, and the duke once had political disagreements and have had a long-standing grudge? !

How dare he take the Duke's sweetheart's dating information, avoid his female father, and ask for permission from his male father!

But the hero of this family has always doted on the young master, so the housekeeper could only pray silently that nothing would happen.

The male worm frowned and fell into thinking.

Although his female monarch has long since retired from politics, her family's reputation cannot be underestimated.

After a moment, he said seriously: "Hernado, from now on, you can use the highest authority of the database. You must catch up with this gentleman, do you understand?" "

I understand." The young man smiled.

Butler: "...?"

Are you serious?

Aren't you just fooling around together?


The only child in the Kaze family is a sub-female. In the circle, this is a well-known fact.

That child perfectly inherited the appearance of the male father. Genes determined that he was already much taller than the male father when he was eighteen years old, and grew into an aristocratic female insect with beauty comparable to that of the male.

However, he did not inherit his father's political talent and strategy at all, and immediately entered the entertainment industry after leaving the Institute of Higher Education.

Become a... male insect actor.

【He is a fake male! ! ! 】

The system screams.

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