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Chapter 23 Follower

[Mission goal: fix the bug and get the deviated plot back on track. ]

[Mission progress: 61.35% (200% speed increase)]

[Tip: Anchor point adjustment]


The working quantum frequency map emits a faint blue light.

The target light spot on the screen stopped at the complex building shown as Area A-01, and a line of small words appeared next to it:

[Yunshang Island]

Residence time: 37 minutes.

A pure black hover car parked downstairs, and the military female put away the map. He held the steering column silently, as if he had been holding back for a long time, and finally gave up the thought in his heart that he might be scolded as crazy by the little male insect.

The car window was lowered and Angersus looked towards the top floor.

he thinks.

He can tolerate it for up to 60 minutes.

Yunshang Island Restaurant has a rich menu of dishes. Top-quality ingredients that cannot be cultivated by insects are transported from remote planets and cooked to appear on the table, which requires a lot of time and insect resources. Just a small plate of food costs an amount that is unimaginable for a civilian Zerg.

To become an SVIP customer on Yunshang Island, you need to spend a total of 1,000,000 star coins here to be eligible to apply for registration. So far, you are just "qualified". If you don't have a higher class status or a noble title, you can't register as an SVIP member.

This shows that although the young man in front of him spends money like water at a young age, he is by no means relying on deceiving female insects to make money. He must be from a famous family.

[This is even weirder orz]

[How did the host choose him? 】

Ning You didn't want the trouble at the time, so when choosing a date, she directly opened the one-click filter, and the one at the top of the list was approved without even looking at it. Unexpectedly, the other party's origin was a little more complicated than he imagined.

That's it for now, let's eat first. Ningyou picked up the tableware and started to eat happily.

Eat, eat, eat, you would be a fool not to eat a good meal!

[Host QAQ]


[Nothing, just reminding host QAQ that he has not looked away from the insect from the beginning...]

[What a crazy person...]

Ningyou bit the pudding spoon and chuckled in her throat. .

Yafei, who was sitting opposite her, immediately panicked: "What's wrong? Sir, is the food bad?"

Ningyou ignored him and continued to concentrate on showing off the pudding. The aroma of milk powder and fruit melted in his mouth.

Gernado looked at him blankly, and after seeing him swallow a small mouthful of dessert, he slowly raised his eyes and shook his head at him.


what is that?

Hernado stretched out his finger towards himself, with an uncertain expression on his face, and cautiously said, "Is it... I'm not good?"

Ningyou laughed out loud, casually taking out a tissue and wiping the corners of her mouth.

"No, you are very good." He said, "You are in very good condition, and you seem to know how to make yourself look more perfect in front of the camera." "I watched your

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