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Chapter 46 The kitten sighs (2 updates)

The little male insect held the purple bouquet, buried his head in the flowers and took a deep breath.

When I raised my head, there were a few petals on the top of my head, as if I had rolled around in the garden and had fun.

The sweet buttery smell still lingers in the mouth. Sweetness is a kind of taste bud stimulation, and for Ningyou, it is also a kind of magic that makes him feel happy.

The swarm of insects has dispersed, and the surroundings are silent.

The little male sat in the car, swaying his calves, picking up the bouquet given to him by the military female and smelling it.

It wasn't until Youchong opened the driver's door and sat next to him. After a long while, Ningyou put down the bouquet of lilacs.

He turned to the military female, "What have you been doing?"

"Talk to Julian Brown about theater investment."

"What are you doing?" Ning You narrowed her eyes, "Don't interfere in my affairs."

"No. What a big deal. If you don't ask, I won't let you notice." Angerses said, "My family has no precedent of getting involved in the film and television industry." The little

male hummed: "Whatever you want."

He probably really I didn't care much about this matter, so I asked casually and forgot about it. He lowered his head and played with the colorful wrapping paper on the edge of the bouquet, making a clattering sound.

Angerses stood aside, silently staring at his little hands playing with the wrapping paper, as if it was something fun.

After staring for a while, he said, "The Duke is looking for you."

"Uh-huh." Ningyou responded, "I know. I didn't have time to reply to his message."

"Why is he looking for you?" Angerseth frowned. road.

"What do you think?" Ningyou raised her head, "Isn't it because of you?"

"Because of me?"


Ningyou put the bouquet aside, crossed her hands together, raised it above her head, and stretched .

He opened his eyes and said lazily, "Angese, where did you get his project participants?" "

Who is that."

"Don't lie to me."

"...Okay." Angesese Si said, "Philmer Star."

Ningyou turned to him with a little doubt in her eyes: "Phelmer Star? F-level male insect containment star? What did you do to him? Isn't he an A-level male insect?"

The other party was subtle avoid his questions.

He insisted: "He is not. The test in the Holy Land was wrong. After leaving there, the bug began to deteriorate mentally; before being sent to court, he was already dying. After staying in the medical cabin for 30 days, when he came out, The level can no longer be measured... He is indeed a useless insect."

Ningyou sat where she was, thinking hard about why such a thing happened to Joey.

Could it be that the basis of his existence is the original map shrouded in the halo of the protagonist? So after he left the Holy Land, his aura was automatically removed, and all the female insects that had entered his script returned to normal.

Having lost his aura as the protagonist, he can do nothing and is completely reduced to an F-level useless insect.

This is just great.

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