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Chapter 25 During the Passion Period,

Mueller's breathing stagnated, and his pupils suddenly opened wide -

such terrifying mental power!

The other party obviously did nothing, and the instinctive panic and retreat in his heart overwhelmed Mueller. He couldn't help but take a step back, cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "Hug... I'm sorry."

"Sorry, Admiral Manrong." He buried his head and swallowed back the rusty smell in his throat, "I, I don't dare to do it anymore."

An Geseth lowered his eyes and said, "Yeah."

During the process, the wine in the glass in his hand didn't even slosh for a moment, as if nothing had happened. He turned around without caring about past grudges or consequences. Leave the banquet hall.

All the insects breathed a sigh of relief.

Mueller still maintained his apologetic posture, but there was a trace of anger in his eyes. After Angerses left, he slowly raised his head and stared in the direction where the military female had left, his eyes gloomy.


"Speaking of which, in a few days you will have to join the filming team again?" Ningyou held a jam biscuit in her mouth and tapped the dessert plate with the back of a spoon out of boredom.


"I can't tell, you are quite dedicated."

The little male bitten a piece of biscuit, caught the remaining half between his fingers, rolled the top in the strawberry jam, and brought it to his lips.

He chewed gracefully, taking small bites, like a white rabbit eating. His eyes lit up when he tasted the sweetness. If he had rabbit ears on the top of his head, he would have been beaming with joy at this time.

"No...no." Hernado nodded sheepishly, "Sir, the corner of your mouth," he pointed to his cheek, "is stained with jam." "


Ningyou raised her head, holding a spoon in one hand and cookies in the other. , blinking in confusion.

Just when Hernado thought he was going to wipe it away with paper, he stretched out his pink and moist tongue and licked his lips.

"Now." Ning You raised her face to show him, "Is there anything else?"

"No, no more."

"Ouch." Ning You concentrated on showing off her desserts.

He ate very slowly, and it took him a while to finish the snacks in his hands. He wiped his hands with satisfaction, and then said to the female: "Hernado, I'm very curious. Why are you..."


The lights suddenly went out.

Ning You: "?"

"What's going on."

"Sir, don't be nervous." Hernado called up the light screen to check, "Is it time for the dance?"

Ning You tilted her head and looked at the black swarm of insects, " Lighting failure." If it's a dance party, the overhead lights should flash at this time.

Hernado: "Maybe it's a malfunction. I'll go ask. Your Excellency, please wait for me for a moment."

Ningyou nodded in agreement.

The darkness eclipsed the food in front of him, and he lost his appetite, so he got up and planned to leave the banquet hall and go for a walk.

Outside the banquet was a landscaped courtyard with sparse green shadows at night.

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