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Chapter 6 you lied to me

In the study on the second floor of the main building.

The military female turned on the optical brain, and the communication symbol flashed, indicating that the call was in progress.

On the floating screen opposite, a Zerg slowly spoke: "Angeses. I heard from Luke that you brought back a male Zerg from outside."

The Zerg in the center of the screen has a pair of dark blue eyes. It is a very beautiful pure creature. Blood butterfly tribe. He is nearly fifty years old, and he is still very young among the Zerg who have a lifespan of two hundred years. He is at an age where he exudes mature charm all the time.

But Angerseth's expression remained as calm as most of the time: "Yeah."

This word was enough to show that the relationship between the eldest son of the family and his father was not very warm, but more like a polite and unfamiliar relationship between superiors and subordinates.

"You're so good at guessing, Angerses, I didn't expect you to reject a match to such an extent." The head of the Manrong family sighed, "Don't underestimate a seemingly harmless little male, be careful you bring back a timer Bomb."

Angerses said expressionlessly: "You guessed it wrong. He is in poor health and cannot live on the association's space station."

"Space Station 0001 has the best medical facilities. I don't understand the 'unable' you mean. How to get it."

"This has nothing to do with you." Angerses said, "He is not a dangerous item like a bomb. He is just a dying bug. Please don't use your way of thinking to make malicious speculations." "

Child, you You don't understand me."

The older male worm shook his head, "These idiots in the association are always biased towards every new member. The little worm next to you has a scepter in his hand after his name is entered into the association. Don't underestimate it. Its weight."


"I don't understand, Angesus. Is he so worthy of your trust?"

The male insect was helpless, with a hint of resentment, biting one word at a time: "Even if it's just for... If you shirk us, you have to take the risk and let an unknown insect control your destiny."

Angesus Manjon: "He can't do such a thing."


"I won't Let any male dominate me." Angese said calmly.

He seemed to have recognized this matter and regarded it as a motto, so much so that he blurted out his answer to the male father without thinking.

... He had no idea what kind of contradiction had arisen between his words.

The head of the Manrong family was silent for a moment and said without mercy: "It's really... arrogant and stupid."

Angeseth lost the patience to talk to him and turned around to turn off the optical brain.

"Angeses." Another voice sounded behind him. Angesus turned around and saw a different worm on the call screen.

Even though he was not wearing a military uniform, the courage of the man who once held a high position was still undiminished. Angeses looked up, his eyes moved slightly, but he quickly calmed down: "Father." "Angeses

, long time no see. "

Unlike his partner, this insect spoke slowly and slowly to the child: "I listened to the conversation between you and the male father, and you were having a tantrum again." "

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