<~- Uranium -~>

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Requested by: Nobody :)
Soooo, I was reading Gnarpy's page on the wiki and I saw in the trivia that he eats uranium on a daily basis, so I had to make this, hehe.
(NO, before you come after me, this is not a ship! It's just a friendship ok??)
"ZLAP ZEEP!" Gnarpy yelled angrily "My ZHIP crazh landed again..."
Xe looked up at the empty black sky, not noticing any sight of xis fellow Gnarpians. "UGH... I'll have to go on that ZTUPID elevator AGAIN." Frustratedly xe snuck through the brush and towards the elevator. Right before the door closed, Gnarpy managed to make it inside. Thankfully the elevator didn't seem as busy. Only a few people standing around including Split and Pest, but they were all still extremely annoying to Gnarpy.

Gnarpy leaned up against a wall, judging everyone in the elevator. "TH, all theze ZTUPID gleeperz ztanding around..." xe muttered. Pest shot xym a "You could've been quieter" look, clearly irritated. Gnarpy sneered at him.

"Hey Gnarpy! Haven't seen you here in a while!" Split said to xem. "UGH, not thiz blabble..." Gnarpy hissed. "Willing to hear my newest joke?" She said, bumping xys shoulder with her's. Gnarpy recoiled and looked at Split disapprovingly. "Abzolutely NOT." Xe growled. Spilt saddened. "Could've just said no." Split mumbled, walking away. Gnarpy rolled xys eyes, going back to waiting for wherever the elevator would take xem next.

It'd been a fairly long amount of time since xe'd been in the elevator and xe was getting impatient. "WHEN WILL THIZ ZTUPID ELEVATOR ZZZZTTOOOOPP?!?!"

"Yelling sure won't speed it up." Pest said in Japanese. Despite Gnarpy not understanding Japanese whatsoever, xe could clearly tell it was a hate comment. "Don't ZPEAK to the CO-LEADER of the GNARPIAN MILITARY like THAT!" Gnarpy said angrily. Pest just looked at xym as if xe was crazy or something. "Looks like someone's grumpy." Split said, standing not too far away from xym. "What do u want..." Gnarpy mumbled. "Are you hungry? I always feel less grumpy on a full stomach!" Split informed xym, holding out a banana to xym. "EUGH, NO! I don't want ur DIZGUZTING EARTHLING foodz!" Gnarpy shouted, slapping the banana away. "Fine." Split sighed.

Gnarpy turned away. Although xe hated the thought of Split being right, the truth was xe was pretty hungry. Gnarpy looked around, making sure neither of them were looking as xe snuck a chunk of uranium out of his bushy tail. Xe'd been keeping uranium in his tail as a snack whenever xe needed it. Xe started chewing on the uranium. This was real food to xym. As xe was finally starting to relax, Split came up beside xym spooking Gnarpy.

"AHH! OH YOU ZTUPID ZEEBLOING!" Gnarpy burst out angrily. "Hey hey, calm down." Split said, backing up and giving xym space. Gnarpy hid xys uranium behind xys back, but not quick enough before Split could see. "Whatcha got there?" Split asked curiously. "None of UR BUSINEZZ! GLEEPER!" Xe hissed. Split smirked. "I know you're hiding something." Split teased him. "GO AWAY!!!"

Split kept passive aggressively messing with Gnarpy just for the pure fun of it. "JUZT LEAVE ME ALONNNNEEEE!!"

Pest was on the other side of the elevator, casually watching. "Another day as usual." He said to himself in Japanese.

"UGHHH, FINE! ENOUGH!" Gnarpy burst out. He showed the piece of uranium he'd been eating. "W.. What? You eat uranium?" Split said with interest. "Ugh... I know... it'z weird, or at leazt to u dumb earthling blabbles." Gnarpy mumbled. "Hah, I've seen weirder on this elevator ride." Split said "Seriously though, how are you able to eat that stuff?"

"I guezz Gnarpians just have better eating capabilitiez than u dumbiez." Xe replied. Split chuckled "Your not so bad when your not being rude!... Or at least... Not fully rude?"

Gnarpy had realized xe was being too soft, xe couldn't be seen as that by the other Gnarpians. The elevator dinged, telling them they had all stopped at their next destination. Gnarpy stormed off as this was the floor xe needed to go to. "Hey Gnarpy!" Split called from behind xym. "Please do visit the elevator again, I bet we'll have a lot of great times together!" Split said.

"Ugh, don't BET on that." Gnarpy hissed. Split waved goodbye to xym as xe left. Gnarpy growled at these stupid feelings xe had. Co-leaders weren't supposed to be friends with weird earthlings who ate weird things and talked sweet, xey were supposed to be strong and not care about that stupid stuff! But Gnarpy still wanted a friend. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to visit the elevator again one day...

(Yippee 781 words!)

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