..-.|Concrete and Beetles|.-..

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Requested by: maverxes

Wallter x Pest is a ship I don't think I've seen before!
Also Wallmark angst 😢
(I'm also gonna start tagging people as well 👍)

Wallter stood in the corner of the elevator, relaxing to the calming jazz music being played by the radio. He was the only one in the elevator at the time, but he didn't mind. He needed the well-deserved silence after his most recent argument with Mark.
"BECAUSE IM RIGHT!" Mark protested.
Wallter was already passed pushed to his limit, something inside him was speaking violence.
As he was about to start a psychical fight with this dumb mannequin, he snapped back into his real self.
His real self would never hurt his lover or even think of it.
Enraged and regretful, Wallter barged out the door without saying another word.
Behind him, he could hear Mark shouting "Y' KNOW IM ALWAYS RIGHT!"


The memory flooded him with guilt and sadness. He closed his eyes, trying to picture a better family they could be. His thoughts were interrupted by an angry beetle storming into the elevator from the subway. The cheerful party goer that everyone knew of stood outside the elevator door glaring at the beetle sorrowfully. "GO AWAY POOB!" The beetle yelled. The partygoer stood there, looking as if he was about to cry. The elevator doors closed on him and left the elevator in pure silence. Pest leaned against the wall, arms crossed and staring at the door.

Wallter looked down at him "Are... You oka-"
"IM FINE!" Pest shouted.
Wallter stared at him and Pest stared back even more menacingly.
"You know, you don't have to hide your feelings from me, I'm a trustworthy person." Wallter told him.
Pest hissed "Yeah right..."
Wallter was offended, but that couldn't compare to what he'd been through already with Mark.
Pest noticed Wallter still staring at him.
"What are you looking at.." Pest replied in annoyance.
"Waiting for you to get your problems off your mind, now spill." Wallter said.
"Ugh.. You won't leave me alone, will you?" Pest grumbled, looking up at him.
Wallter shook his head no.
"Fine..." Pest hissed "It's about... My boyfriend."
"Oh, you have those issues too?" Wallter asked.
"Yes, AND HE'S ANNOYING AS HELL!" Pest burst out angrily.
"I know.. so is my husband." Wallter admitted.
Pest and Wallter sat down on the floor of the elevator.
"I'm sick of that annoying cheerful voice I have to hear every day and I'm sick of him being so loud and annoying." Pest mumbled.
"I'm sick of my husband trying to act like he's better than me..." Wallter said, a little bit of anger and sadness in his voice.
"So I guess we both have lover issues..." Pest said after a long pause.
Wallter sighed.

"It's like we never really loved each other..."

They both said it in perfect unison.
Pest and Wallter looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.
Never before has Pest been able to relate to anyone else on this hellish elevator, and never before has Wallter been able to so deeply connect with someone other than his husband.

Maybe this was the new best path for the two of them, maybe they'd no longer need to be sad or feel lonely.

They could be together.

(578 words!)

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