{-|~ Aquarium Date ~|-}

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Requested by: sellyoursoulforme

Pest sat on a bench in the subway, waiting for the elevator to arrive. He had been waiting there for what seemed to be hours now and he was growing tired. His eyes felt heavy and he soon began to drift off.

Suddenly something grabbed him and Pest was jolted awake. "HEY BESTIE!1! HI BEST FRIEND!!1" A familiar voice spoke. Pest turned his head to see Poob clinging onto him tightly. "Ughhh..." Pest mumbled "What is it now?"

"I have a suprise for uuuuu!" Poob said, blowing his party horn out of excitement. Pest rubbed his eyes. "Alright alright.. Just get off me."


The elevator finally arrived and Pest was relieved. The two hopped onto the elevator together. Poob sat on the side railings, kicking his feet. Most other people found Poob really annoying, including Pest, but he was used to it. Poob repeatedly blew his party horn every minute they were on that elevator and kept fidgeting excitedly. "とてもハイパー... (So hyper...)" Pest muttered. "What was that?" Poob asked happily. "Er.. Nothin." Pest responded. Poob went back to his own thoughts, super happy and excited as if he inhaled an entire batch of cookies and sweets.


The elevator arrived at the Fishy Aquarium. Pest looked at Poob. "Cmon Cmon!1!" Poob said excitedly, grabbing Pest's wrist and dragging him out of the elevator. "What are we doing here?" Pest asked, confused. "It's a little fun trip I planned for us!!1!" Poob responded. Pest didn't have any big plans for today, so he may as well stay.

Poob bounced down the hallway, beginning to rant "So! What do ya wanna see first?!1! What about the clownfish?! I lov clownfish!!1 OR, maybe the squid!1"

Pest found it cute that Poob was happy enough to be around Pest that he'd rant forever to him, even though that's what he did with a lot of other NPCs, Pest seemed to be his favorite person to rant to. Pest seemed to relax and just quietly listen to the energetic and adorable noob.

"HEY LOOK!!1!" Poob said, pulling Pest out of his calm mood "THERE'S SHARKS!!!1!1"
Poob ran over to a large tank with a giant great white shark in it. Around it were other neatly decorated tanks with other species of sharks, lemon sharks, hammerheads, mako sharks, and oh my they had so many. "I loooovv great white sharks!" Poob said, putting his hands on the glass. Pest couldn't help but smile. "Heeeyyy, was that a smile I saw?" Poob said, turning to him and grinning. Pest quickly covered up his expression "Uh, no.."

Poob smirked and went back to looking at the sharks. Pest had to admit, they were really elegant and pretty the way they moved through the water. "Ya know, sharks can be kinda mean and scary on the outside... but they're really kind!... Also very handsome... Just lik u!"

Pest froze, flustered by the sudden compliment. "I uh.." He was interrupted by Poob "Cmon! Let's go see the jellyfish!!1"

For the rest of the day, the two wandered around the aquarium, looking at all the beautiful species of fish. They were both tired of walking now and decided to sit down on a bench where they could watch some loggerhead sea turtles swim around. Pest exhaled exhaustedly, but somewhat relaxed. Poob leaned up against Pest, spooking him. "Lov u..." He said tiredly. Poob closed his eyes.
Pest looked down at him and smiled.
"愛している... (Love you...)"

(597 words!)

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