(^-.. Caterpillars and Bananas ^-..)

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Requested by: B1ueP0tato

Split walked into the elevator tiredly, leaning up against a wall. It was early in the morning and she had just woken up. The elevator was quiet, nobody else was in there, or so she thought.

Split looked to her right and noticed Pilby on the floor looking sad. They were so quiet Split didn't even notice them before. Split was still tired and not quite ready for a conversation so early in the morning. She sat and scooted over next to Pilby. They didn't seem to mind, still entirely focused on another thought in their mind.

"You alright?" Split asked.
"No." They sighed "I miss my job."

Split remembered Pilby telling her a long time ago that they used to worked for the circus, but was fired.
"I remember when I could enjoy entertaining the guests, it made me happy... But now..." Pilby trailed off, a tear rolling down their face. They took out a trombone from a case they were carrying.

Split looked at it in awe. It looked to be fairly old, but it was really pretty. "Do.. Do you mind playing for me?" Split asked.
Pilby brightened up a little, turning towards Split. "Really? You want to hear me?" They asked in suprise. Split nodded, smiling. Pilby gently lifted the trombone and began playing. It sounded beautiful.

After a couple minutes of Pilby playing, they stopped and put the trombone back in its case. "Wow... That was beautiful..." Split said. Pilby smiled "I ... Thank you." This was the first time Split and seen them smile in a while.

Split yawned, still tired. She lied back with Pilby and they sat together in silence, enjoying what quiet they had before Mark and Wallter ended up entering the elevator and causing a huge argument.

The argument got bad enough that Pilby and Split decided to leave right away at the next floor. The Bugbo floor appeared and while the players ran around collecting rocks, Split and Pilby lied under a tree listening to more of Pilby's music.

After the players left, it was just Split, Pilby, and the relaxing scenery.

Yeah this was a bit of a short one... sorry lol
(369 words)

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