[(._~.. Doctor ..~_.)]

459 8 15

Requested by: Cobwezxoxo
Enjoy your yuri! :D

Mach and Pilby stood in the elevator, Mach fidgeting with her hammer and Pilby nervously hiding behind her leg. It'd been forever since Mach had entered the Regretevator, she always liked staying home over riding on this hellish elevator, but Pilby wanted to go somewhere nice with her for a day.

Gnarpy stood next to them, eyeing the short caterpillar and the tall woman closely. "Gee Pilby, you look zo much zhorter next to mizz beanztalk!" Gnarpy snickered. Mach silently side-eyed Gnarpy as xe continued to ramble. "Why are you so mean..." Pilby said in a whisper. "What waz that, BUG? I couldn't hear you from down there!"

"That's enough." Mach hissed, tightening her grip of her hammer.
"Hah! What are you gonna do, beanztalk?!" Gnarpy shouted.
Mach quickly swung her hammer, accidentally hitting the elevator wall instead of Gnarpy and forming a new dent in the wall. Gnarpy hissed, taking out xis zapper and zapping Mach's hand. Mach frustratedly aimed for Gnarpy's head, trying to hit xim with her hammer.


"IM OUT!" Gnarpy hissed, running out of the elevator and nearly crashing into DrRETRO. The doctor entered the elevator in confusion, glancing from the large dent in the wall to Mach and Pilby. "You okay Pilby?" Mach asked them in a calm tone. Pilby softly nodded, looking up at her with a smile. Mach looked back up, just noticing DrRETRO had entered the elevator. "Everything alright?" DrRETRO asked. Mach nodded.

DrRETRO walked up to her and took her hand. Mach felt herself warm up as DrRETRO gently felt her palm. "Oh.. What happened here?" She asked with a bit of concern, lightly touching the burn mark from where Mach was zapped. Mach recoiled as she touched it, feeling the burn sting more. "Oh my, I'm so sorry!" DrRETRO apologized. "It's okay.." Mach replied. DrRETRO reached into her pockets, pulling out some sort of spray and a roll of bandages. She sprayed the burn mark and began gently wrapping it with bandages. "All better." She said with pride in her tone as she finished. "Thanks, RETRO."

As DrRETRO pulled her hand away, Mach suddenly felt emptier. "W-wait." Mach said, catching DrRETRO's attention. She looked up at her "Yes?"
"C.. Can you please hold my hand again.." Mach said, really failing to hide how embarrassed she was "I just like the feeling of it.." DrRETRO smiled and took her hand once more, standing next to Mach and Pilby. She leaned against Mach's arm, purring softly. Mach couldn't recall a time she had ever felt this happy.

"You know, you could always join us to where we're heading! :0)" Pilby said.
"Oh, why of course!" DrRETRO responded gleefully.

The three had ended the day going to HC Icecream and getting ice cream together.
Mach loved DrRETRO, and there was a good chance she loved her back.

(God I love yuri‼️‼️)

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