[..=. A Happy Family .=..]

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Requested by: Entityfawn
(Might still make Wallmark angst later tho 🤭)

Lampert stayed up all night, lying in bed. He had his chord tail plugged in the outlet next to his bed, making him light up. He sighed rolling around in bed. He could hear the distant shouting of Mark and Wallter fighting over building materials. Lampert found this stupid and it not only became sad, but now annoying. Irritated, Lampert got up and walked out of his room. He entered the kitchen where the two stood there, fighting.

"Dads." Lampert said. They both stopped and looked at Lampert "Uh.. Lampert... Do you need something?" Wallter asked. "I'm sick of this arguing over building material... I don't want wood and concrete to destroy our happy family." Lampert said. Mark and Wallter looked at each other. Mark spoke "I ... It's hard, son. This is just parent stuff. You don't need to worry about it."
"But I am worrying!!" Lampert suddenly said "You two are wrecking each other over nothing!" Lampert started to silently cry. "You don't understand what it feels like to have two amazing fathers who can't see each other the way I do..."

Wallter looked at Mark, then turned to Lampert. "Son, I'm sorry." He said, kneeling by him. Lampert leaned into him, hugging him. Mark also came over and joined them.
"I love you, dads..."

The next day, Lampert was lying around in IKEA, about to fall asleep on one of the couches. He was startled awake as he saw a shadow. At first Lampert thought it was Infected, but he turned around and saw Mark. "Hey kiddo." Mark greeted him. "Oh, hey dad." Lampert replied, getting up. "Me and Wallter wanted to spend some time together with you." Mark smiled. Lampert looked at him, slightly confused. Lampert never knew Wallter would have the tolerance to spend time with Mark.

"Come on!" Mark said, starting towards the elevator. Lampert quickly followed behind. After a couple minutes of standing around the elevator,


They arrived at Wallter's floor. The vast green landscape and the calm scenery always made Lampert feel relaxed. Mark and Lampert walked out of the elevator and saw Wallter waving to them. He had set up a picnic for the three of them. Mark and Lampert went over and sat down with him. "I got you your favorite." Wallter said, giving Lampert a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. "Thanks dad!" Lampert said, smiling.

They all ate together happily. Their family was finally back together again.

After a couple minutes, they'd all finished their meal and climbed up on top of the bridge to watch the sunset.
"I love you, dads."

(450 words!)

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