[~ Gregoriah's Funhouse Failure ~]

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Requested By: Nobody again lol
Haha, flood go brrrrrr :3
Gregoriah sat alone in his room watching TV and being lazy. He got the day off today and had no plans to look forward to, but Gregoriah suddenly started to feel a sense of loneliness. He never actually had anyone to talk to in his silly emporium, although why did he need to? He always stayed as a background character in a TV screen, never hopping onto the elevator because it was always so dangerous and because Gregoriah had all the fun he could ever imagine here in Squishy's.

Gregoriah looked down from the TV and sighed. It wasn't that fun anymore. He'd been to every corner of this jungle gym and explored every seemingly endless ball pit. A malfunctioning TV sitting on a wooden desk began flickering to a different scene. It was the elevator which had many people in it, including some of the other NPCs. Gregoriah brightened up, walking over to the TV. Inside the elevator alongside the players was Partynoob, Bive, Split, Pest, and Gnarpy.. Gnarpy?

Gnarpy was definitely not the kind of NPC to want to ride the elevator. Gregoriah had just realized, the next floor they'd stop on was his floor! Just then, he had an idea.

"UGH.. Zplit, what neow?" Gnarpy muttered. "You seem a bit down, did someone hurt your peelings?" Split laughed. Gnarpy stared a her unamused. "Ur NOT funny..." Xe mumbled. "I thought it was a good joke." Poob said from the other side of the elevator, standing next to Pest. "Mhm.. Zure..."


They had arrived at Squishy's jungle gym. While all the players left the elevator, the NPCs stayed and chilled.

Gregoriah appeared out of his green TV screen and greeted the players, sending them off to have fun in the jungle gym. Running over to the elevator camera, Gregoriah tinkered with some wires.

Split swung around and stared at the top corner of the elevator as a green TV appeared with Gregoriah in it. "Huh? Who's that?" Poob said curiously. "Hi there!" Gregoriah waved. "Not another DUMB BLABBLE..." Gnarpy hissed. "Gnarpy! Be nice!" Split argued.

"WATCH OUT! THEY MIGHT BE WORKING FOR THE MILLITIA! THEIR GONNA TAKE ME AWAY!!" Bive yelled panickedly, getting ready to throw a random rock at the TV. "Woah woah woah!! Calm down!" Poob said, grabbing Bive's wrist, preventing her from throwing the rock. "Mark my words.. I KNOW IT ALL!" Bive declared.

Gregoriah stared confusedly. "Uh.. Anyways... I'm Gregoriah! I'm the owner of that silly little jungle gym outside." Gregoriah said, pointing to the door "I was wondering, would you five like to give it a try?"

The five NPCs turned and looked at each other and shrugged. "We'd love to!" Split said for them. "Wonderful!" Gregoriah said happily "I hope you enjoy your visit!" As Pest, Partynoob, and Split all left to go to the jungle gym. Bive and Gnarpy stayed, passing unsure looks to each other. "Why do you stay behind that screen, hm? Are you hiding something?" Bive asked suspiciously. "No I -" Gregoriah was cut off by Bive shouting "HE WORKS FOR THE GOVERNMENT."

"UGH, ZTOP ZHOUTING IN MY EAR!!" Gnarpy yowled. Xe exhaled, cooling off a bit. "Heh, they're probably juzt a wuzz." Gnarpy said. Gregoriah was somewhat hurt, but he didn't care, he already knew Gnarpy was like that to everyone. Bive and Gnarpy leave to follow after the others while Bive gave Gregoriah more intense looks.

Gregoriah put the wires back as they should be and thought to himself. Maybe it was time to stop being a "wuzz" and get out from behind the screens. Gregoriah put his Squishy pin on his strap and went out the door to the jungle gym.

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