.{+.. Tired ..+}.

504 8 19

Requested by: Xx_stitchy_bitchy_xX
Bucketbeetle fluff :D

Spud tiredly stumbled out of the Regretevator and into the quiet camp. His legs were weak from standing around so much in the noisy and uncomfortable elevator. What was worse was that it was almost always crowded and chaotic. His ears were thankful for the gentle chirping of crickets and the relaxing crackle of the campfire in the distance.

Spud could hear Sarah talking to some campers in the distance and decided to find them. He made it a few steps down the trail before tripping on a stone and tumbling over. "Spud..." He groaned, his body aching now. As Spud struggled to get up, he caught a glimpse of red eyes eerily glaring at him from up in a tree. He shoved himself back up and standing, quickly stepping back and staring into those ruby red eyes of whatever or whoever was up there. Before Spud could react, a familiar beetle crashed down out of the tree and landed in front of him, staring at him with his usual menacing stare.

Pest's expression lightened as he recognized Spud. Pest was always a tough and fierce beetle, rude to most and untrusting, but he and Spud had what he felt was something more than a friendship. Even if Pest was terrifying to everyone else, something about his presence was a gift to Spud. Spud wanted to tell him, but didn't quite know how.

"Spud.. Hi Pest." Spud greeted him quietly.
"Long day?" The beetle replied, walking over and standing next to him.
Spud silently nodded and yawned.
Pest gave him a reassuring smile and put his arm around him "Cmon."

They both walked down the trail together, following the dimly lit torches that dotted the camp. They came to a vacant tent where Spud quickly collapsed into a bedding of pillows and blankets. Pest sat next to him, holding a branch he had picked up along the way and started to pick the leaves of it. "Spud.. You don't think spud.. There'll be any aliens tonight.. Spud.. Do you?" Spud asked, glancing out of the tent and up at the sky nervously. "Nah." Pest responded "I took care of that nuisance of a cat eariler today." Spud felt a little calmer knowing that. The last thing he needed was Gnarpy causing havoc around the camp.

Spud felt himself slowly dozing off. He let his head rest on Pest's lap. Pest just looked down at him, gently patting his head. In an instant, Spud was entirely knocked out. Pest was starting to feel himself grow tired too. The two lied there together, curled up and cuddling on the floor while they both fell asleep...

"Where did you g-"

The tent was suddenly opened, sunlight drowning the two lovers on the floor. "AHH!" Sarah screamed, shocked by the sudden appearance of the scary beetle. Spud and Pest were both quickly awoken, turning to look at Sarah. "Oh.. Hi Sarah. Spud." Spud yawned. Pest just quietly stared at Sarah. She ended up realizing maybe screaming wasn't the best way to greet someone. "Uhm, sorry!" She said nervously "Breakfast is ready outside." Sarah then swiftly left. Spud couldn't help but to laugh. Pest softly laughed along too.

"Spud.. You know, I really love you.. Spud." Spud said in a bit of an anxious voice.
Pest was stunned for a moment before speaking
"I love you two, Spud."

(572 words!)

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