(..-~+ Flower Shop +~-..)

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Requested by: Remainings_

I don't feel like repeatedly typing Emo Teenager so ima go ahead and nickname them ET :)

ET lied in bed, staring at the ceiling. They covered their ears as loud cars raced by on the road. ET groaned, turning to rest on their side. It was midday in the Toolbox Speedway, no going to sleep anytime soon.

Suddenly, ET was slightly spooked by a small ding from their phone resting on their nightstand. They sat up and picked up their phone to see a text from Emerson, ET's best and only friend. Their spirits seemed to lift a little as they notice Emerson wants to talk.

In texts.

Emerson: Hey, ET, meet me at the town square?

ET: Sure

Emerson: See ya there!

ET put their phone in their pocket and headed out the door, avoiding any players. As the players were teleported back to the elevator, ET hopped into a car of their own and started driving towards town square.

Once ET arrived, they stepped out and locked their car. They lifted their hood from their hoodie up over their head as they wandered through the crowd, not wanting to make eye contact. They saw Emerson sitting on a bench by the fountain in the town square. He waved to ET as they quickly ran over. "Hey Emerson.." ET greeted. "Hey ET, how's it been?" Emerson said in response. ET looked down and sighed exhaustedly "Loud..." They remembered the loud race cars passing by their house, it happened all the time every day. "Oh.." Emerson said "Well, I have a surprise for you and me!" ET looked back up at him. "Oh, okay." They said. "Cmon!" Emerson replied, holding ET's hand and quickly walking down the street.

ET was shocked by the sudden psychical touch, rarely ever experiencing someone holding their hand. Emerson stopped at the flower store. A little shop lined with white wallpaper and gold accents along with golden letters spelling the name of the flower shop; Robloxia Flowers.

Emerson walked into the shop with ET following behind, still holding his hand. It made ET feel more comfortable considering they were out in the middle of public where hundreds of eyes could be watching them. ET breathed in the smell of lilies as they went through the shop. "So... What are we here for?" ET asked out of curiosity. "Emerson turned to them "It's for a friend." He said, smiling "I thought you could maybe help me."

ET nodded. Emerson went on to look for prettier flowers while ET stood there and admired the tulips. They gently brushed the petals with their finger. The tulips came in many different colors, like orange, pink, and yellow. ET smiled and that was quite rare considering what miserable life they lived in. For once, ET felt happier being near such beautiful and unique plants.

ET screamed as someone put their hand on their shoulder. They spun around to look at who was potentially attacking them just to see Emerson. "Oh.. uh, sorry!" Emerson said, laughing nervously. ET looked around. Thankfully there weren't that many people in the flower shop at the time. ET breathed in and out heavily, still recovering from the scare. "I got the flowers!" Emerson said "We can go now." ET nodded "Yeah.. That'd be great."

They walked outside and sat together on a bench by the same water fountain as before. "Hey ET, I have something for you.." Emerson said, smirking. ET turned to look at him, curious and concerned. Emerson took out some flowers from behind his back. They were pretty blue flowers with hints of dark blue. ET was speechless, taking the flowers.
"Emerson... Wha-"
"Will... Will you be my valentine?" Emerson asked anxiously "I know I -"
ET suddenly kissed him out of pure joy.
They looked at Emerson "Yes." They said, smiling.
The two both looked like they were about to explode from happiness.

For the rest of the day they went around collecting flowers and making their own bouquets, along with planting some flowers outside each other's houses. They rested outside ET's house as the sun began to go down.

"I've always wanted someone I could love." Emerson said.
"Me too."

(GAHHHH GAYSS)(I think, idk, EmoTeenager is nonbinary but oh well)
Also, happy Valentine's Day! And thank you for reading my Oneshots so far! You're all amazing! :)

(735 words!)

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