|.|^ Identity ^|.|

885 7 16

Requested by: Nobody
I got bored lol
(Also warning: Blood, death, and murder are featured)

It was extremely early in the morning and Emerson was barely awake. He sleepily walked towards his office, sitting down on a spinny chair and spinning around for a short moment. The Red Ball Dinner wouldn't open for another hour yet, so that gave him some time to wake up and prepare for the day. Emerson grabbed his hat off his small desk and placed it on his head.

For a while he sat there, filling out random paperwork and randomness idk. Everyday he'd eventually be greeted with the sound of the entrance doors swinging open and Gregoriah greeting him, but today he seemed to be late. Maybe he just was falling a bit behind today? Emerson didn't think too much of it until 30 minutes had passed.

"Where the hell is he?" Emerson mummered to himself, more concerned than upset.

It the middle of the unbearable silence, he heard the doors open, but no greetings came with it. Emerson popped his head out of the room and staring towards the entrance. Gregoriah stood there, looking slightly less enthusiastic as he usually was. Maybe he was just more tired than usual.

"Oh, good, your here!" Emerson said, brightening up. He stood up and walked over to him. Gregoriah didn't seem to say anything, just staring with a blank expression. "..Gregoriah?"

"Oh.. Uhhmm.. Yeah?" Gregoriah replied, a bit monotonous.
"You don't seem okay..." Emerson said.
"Uhm." Gregoriah stalled, almost as if he forgot the English language.
Emerson stared at him with worry "Are you feeling okay?"
"..Is what the feeling alright?" He replied sheepishly.
"What the.. What was that?" Emerson said.
Gregoriah pushed past, slowly walking away.
"That's not Gregoriah..."


[The night before]
Gregoriah sat at his desk, finishing up the last of his work. He recorded his message for the players and filled out the last of his paperwork, now he could finally leave and go home.

He peered out into the dark hallway, keeping an eye out for Reddy. No sign of the robot. Gregoriah hurried out of his office and towards the entrance. He suddenly stopped as he heard a faint mushing noise. He gagged at the smell of rotting flesh. "I guess the janitor has to clean up another one of Reddy's victims.." Gregoriah whispered to himself. The noises grew louder, the mushing was almost like footsteps... Footsteps?

Gregoriah suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back. He screamed, but there was nobody around to hear. Blood spilled onto the floor beneath him. He slowly lost his strength and collapsed onto the floor. Gregoriah looked up to see a ball of flesh with a scribbled face on a sticky note in the shape of a humanoid standing over him. It stared down at him with its soulless eyes while holding a blood-soaked knife. The ball of flesh slowly took form of Gregoriah. He watched in horror as it stole his identity. He wanted to scream for help, but it was too late.

It all went black.

(518 words!)

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