{+_. Injuries ._+}

441 9 3

Requested by: EntityTheFurry
Platonic Spacedoctor :3

The night sky twinkled with stars and glowing specks of blue UFOs in the distance. Gnarpy glanced around at the beautiful view before deciding to rapidly descend onto Two Stud Camp. Other UFOs followed beside xis, joining alongside the raid they were planning.

Below, campers began screaming and running for the hills as the blue UFOs began capturing helpless victims.
Gnarpy soared around, watching the chaos with pleasure. While xe was distracted, xis UFO was suddenly shaken by a huge impact with a pine tree. Its sharp branches pierced through the glass window of the UFO, stabbing Gnarpy in the ankle.

Xe yowled in pain, falling over.
The UFO slipped from the tree's grasp and crashed onto the forest floor. Green smoke coated the air, making it hard to see as Gnarpy stumbled out of the UFO. Blood trickled from xis bleeding ankle as xe continued trying to take steps away from the UFO.

The other Gnarpians were too busy abducting humans and would never see xim through the blurr of chaos and destruction.
Xe had no other choice but to go to the elevator.

The elevator was there, its doors wide open for xim to walk in. Perfect timing.

Xe limped into the elevator, wincing as the stinging of xis wound grew more painful with each step. Xe collapsed against the wall of the elevator, letting xis ankle rest. Xe didn't notice DrRETRO standing in the corner until she finally spoke "Everything alright sugar?" Gnarpy jumped, quickly looking over at DrRETRO.

"I'm fine." Xe said harshly, looking back down at xis still bleeding ankle.

DrRETRO walked over and knelt down next to xim, eyeing xis wound. "You don't look okay." She said, taking out a roll of bandages "May I ?"

Gnarpy hesitated, pissed off at the fact xe'd have to ask for help, but xe really need it. Xe gave a nod, watching as DrRETRO began cleaning up the blood and bandaging xis ankle.

Once she was finished, Gnarpy sighed "..Thankz."
"You know.. Maybe lay off the abducting people and flying around like a maniac for a while." DrRETRO suggested "..Maybe come visit my office in your free time?"
Gnarpy looked up at her, a little disbelieving considering how nice she was being towards xim.
"Zure." Gnarpy replied.

They both hang out in the elevator for a while, enjoying whatever silence they had before the elevator got more passengers.

"Careful with your injury!" DrRETRO said, waving to xim as Gnarpy exited the elevator hours later.
"Hah, no worriez doc, I'm powerful! No dumb little injury will ztop me!"
DrRETRO watched as xe ran off, sighing to herself.

Xe was definitely gonna get hurt again.

(453 words!)

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