[..>.= Clone =.<..]

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Requested by: MackenzieSpice

A tiny bit of Spive in here too ;)

Split, Bive, Pest, and Infected all were relaxing in the elevator, talking to each other. Thankfully today, there were fewer players and these players seemed really nice. "TH@t p@RT3y WAs 1ns@N3 lAst n1GHt!" Infected said, turning to Pest. "You mean the party where a player threw a bucket of snow on top of me..." Pest glared at him, quietly hissing. "UHm.. Y3Ah! Th@T 0n3..." Infected said, laughing nervously. On the other side of the elevator Bive and Split were chatting.

"Should I upgrade my obstacle course? Think that'll make the players happier?" Split asked her. "Uhm... Dunno.. But I do know it's funny to watch them fall off!" Bive replied, laughing. Split smiled. She was happy Bive was thinking less about the government watching her, although, she'd be back in that phase shortly.


The elevator stopped and the doors opened to reveal the birthday floor. Honestly, it was nothing much, just Flesh Cousin coming to join them. Nobody was actually friends with them, they all kind of ignored them and let them do their thing.. Whatever that was. The four continued to talk to each other while the players left the elevator to look around the small room. Suddenly, everything went silent.

Everyone was looking in Split's direction.

"THERE'S TWO OF HER!!" Bive screamed.
The two Splits looked at each other, confused.

"Oh.. Oh my." One of them said.
"What? You're clearly the clone!" The other protested.
"Damn Flesh Cousin's playing tricks on us." Pest hissed.
Oh no, not again.
"Well? What do you think?" Pest said, looking towards Infected.
"WH@T?! H0W SH0U1D 1 KN0W?" Infected replied nervously.
Pest sighed in annoyance and went back to analyzing the two Splits.
"I swear guys! I'm the real one!" The first one said.
"No you're not! Liar!" The second replied.
"W@it, GUys! 1 HAv3 an 1d3a!" Infected chimed in "L3ts aSK s0M3 qu3st10ns!"
Bive and Pest looked at each and nodded.
"Uhm.. Sure, good idea!" The second Split said.
Infected walked over to the two and glanced at each of them before finally speaking, "S0... C@N e1TH3r 0F y0U t3Ll m3 wH3re SPl1t l1v3s?"
"Splitsville." The two said at the same time.
Pest frowned.
"Out of all the questions you chose the simplest?" He growled at Infected.
"H3y! 1m n0T tH3 b3st at tH1s sTUff!" Infected said sadly.
Bive pushed past Pest and Infected and went over to the two Splits.
"Okay..." Bive hesitated for a moment "...What fruit is Split?"
Pest groaned angrily, face palming.
"Banana." They said, obviously already knowing.
"ALRIGHT! THATS IT!" Pest hissed "I don't wanna play this stupid game all day long, so Flesh Cousin, ENOUGH WITH THE MIMICKING AND COME OUT!"
The two Split clones stared at each other uneasily, neither one seemed to change form.
"Fine.. Let me ask a real question." Pest finally said.
He stepped over to the two.
"When did you give me that gift, Split?"
"Two days ago." The first one said.
The second one glared uneasily at Pest.
"Flesh Cousin, you can't hide anymore."
Pest grabbed the second clone by the collar of the shirt, glaring at them.
"OKAY OKAY!" They yelled.
Flesh Cousin's disguise faded away to reveal their true self.
Pest still held them, staring angrily at them.
"Go let.. Sorry." Flesh Cousin mumbled, afraid.
"Pest, let them go." Split said to him.
"Really? You're forgiving this idiot? They just tried to steal your identity!" Pest replied, holding them firmer.
"Please." Split asked.
Pest looked at her then back to Flesh Cousin.
"Fine." Pest sighed, letting go of Flesh Cousin.
"Thanks, the disguise which I reason for to hide.. Sorry." Flesh Cousin said to them.
Nobody understood a single thing they said.
Bive ran over and Split and hugged her.
Split smiled, hugging her back.
"Awh, Bivey. Don't worry, the government can't do anything to us." She said, reassuring her.
Bive calmed down.
"H3he.. L0V3rs.." Infected said to himself, leaning up against the wall in the corner of the elevator.


The elevator stopped at the Toolbox Speedway. "Ugh, about time I get out of here..." Pest muttered, walking out of the elevator. "SE3 y@ P3St!" Infected said, waving to him and of course getting no response back.

Maybe Flesh Cousin will stick to mimicking players instead...

(790 words!)

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