[^.{.. All That's Been Lost ..}.^]

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Requested by: reenahthesillygoober
(Mark x Jim platonic! :D)
(It's short, sorry 😭)

Mark sat at a table, trying to make a piece of furniture to get his mind off him and his husband's divorce. Wallter's addiction, their bickering over what material was better, Lampert having to be dragged into all of it...

It pained Mark so much, he wish the divorce was never a thing. He wished he wasn't so stubborn and just accepted Wallter's opinion and even his addiction, even if it was killing him. Mark had stopped working on the furniture, completely still and thinking about how he could've avoided such a terrible end to their marriage. He was only snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of the door swinging open.

"Hey Mark!" Jim waved to him with one hand, his other currently holding a bunch of wood planks. "Hey Jim." Mark sighed. Jim set the wood planks on the table and looked over at Mark "Everything alright?"

"Yeah.. Well- No. Not really." Mark replied, picked up his hammer and banging it onto a nail in the wood.
"What's got ya' so upset?" Jim asked, going around the table and joining Mark beside him.
"Just th' stupid divorce.. I feel so bad for Lampert and Wallter, even though I'm still so mad at that alcoholic fuck. He must be in as much pain as I am.."
Jim placed a hand on his shoulder "Hey, don't worry, there's always a chance to put yer differences aside and make up for all that's been lost."
Mark looked at him, a small smile appearing on his face.
"Thank ya, Jim."
"No problem." Jim picked up his tools and opened the door "And remember, I'm always here for ya'!"

Jim left the room, off to continue his job.
Mark felt slightly better knowing he had such a great pal like Jim.

He felt even better knowing he had an idea of what to do next.

(328 words!)

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