~+.-.. Sunrise ..-.+~

350 4 19

Requested by: Remainings_
EmoTeenager x Emerson :3

EmoTeenager sat in bed, their eyes closed and trying to fall back asleep.
It was currently 5:30AM and they had no reason whatsoever to even be awake, just randomly waking up in confusion. They sometimes would question why they even existed in this universe, did they have any real purpose at all?

Flecks of sunlight shine through the thin gaps in the window blinds and into their eyes. They sat up and rubbed their eyes, turning to look at the window. Sunrise was already here and they had nothing better to do, so why not watch the sunrise and try to find some enjoyment in it.

EmoTeenager stood up and walked out the door, going to the hill beside their house. After a short trek up the hill, they sat down, watching the sun slowly rise up to engulf the starry sky in light. They turned their head to watch the rest of the Toolbox Speedway become flooded with dim light. Down below, EmoTeenager could see Emerson getting out of a car by the edge of the road. What was he doing here? And at this time?

They watched as he sat down in a field of flowers, enjoying the scenery. Who wouldn't enjoy it?

With no hesitation, EmoTeenager stood up and made their way down the hill, their heart tugging at them to go see him. They crossed the road and came to the flower field, joining beside Emerson. "Oh, hey there EmoTeenager." Emerson said, surprised but happy they were here. "Hey Emerson." They felt themself become flustered just by being beside him "Uhm.. Whatcha doing out here?"

"Just enjoying the peace and quiet while the morning lasts." He said "..You know, I'm glad you're here. It makes this morning so much better." Emerson smiled.

"Wh- Really?" EmoTeenager asked, joy rushing through them.
"Yeah.. You never fail to make me happier even when I'm already happy. I love you, EmoTeenager."
They were entirely shocked and overjoyed with that set of news, they couldn't help but to hug him.
"I love you too!"

The two sat there together, cuddling and gazing up at the rising sun.

(I can't stop giggling at how unserious EmoTeenager's name sounds, I'm sorry 😭)

(383 words!)

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