|_~.. Sweet Memories ..~_|

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Requested by: Cobwezxoxo
Platonic Swibbledib x Gnarpy (Comfort fluff)
(It also said in the wiki that Swibbledib's pronouns were any, so I'm gonna use she/her pronouns in this story)

It felt like yesterday when Swibbledib and Gnarpy were together, running through the empty plane of moon, under the star speckled sky. They were just little, ridiculous kids with big dreams and wonders of their futures. They'd lie in the craters of the moon, staring up at the sky and try to point out planets.

Swibbledib could clearly recall in her head that one conversation she and Gnarpy had.
"Hey, Gnarpy?" She asked xim.
"Yeah?" Xe responded, still half stuck staring at the horizon.
"Do you ever wonder what we'll do in the future?"
"I know what I'm gonna do!" Gnarpy proudly responded "I'm gonna rule an army! Maybe an entire planet!"
Swibbledib giggled slightly, admiring how confident her best friend was.
"That zoundz amazing." Swibbledib replied.
"What about you?"
She stalled. She never really thought about it herself "Well.. I dunno."
"We have pleeeennty of time to figure it out." Gnarpy simply said before adding "Hey, you wanna go check out thiz new planet I overheard the otherz talking about?"
"Yeah! Zure!"

Oh the sweet memories.. However that same day would've been their last together.

Swibbledib regretfully and vividly remembered Gnarpy being carried away by a handful of humans, stubbornly trying to shred them to pieces but to no luck. She could almost still feel the dried tears staining her face from later that night.

Xe was gone, never to be seen again.. That was until today, 20 years later.

A large Gnarpian with gleaming red armor decorating xeir body strode into Glorp n Go one day. Yum Zurplie muttered something under their breath and shot an unpleased glance at the Gnarpian. Swibbledib on the other hand had stopped sweeping the floors, instead staring straight ahead at the Gnarpian in shock.

The look in xeir eyes was familiar, but at the same time, twisted and evil looking. The gnarpian noticed her staring and turned to face her. Did xey recognize her too? Could it be?

"Gnarpy?" Swibbledib said, tears forming in her eyes.
"Zwibbledib?" Xe replied, xis expression turning from prideful to joyful.
"GNARPY!" Swibbledib cried, running over to xim and hugging xem tightly.

At last, her childhood best friend was okay.

"W-what happened?! Where were you?! I have zo many queztions I -"
"Zhh, it'z okay. I'll explain it all to you."

Yum Zlurpie just watched in pure confusion and concern as the two walked out of the store and went to the back.

They sat along the wall as they talked, sharing everything they'd miss in each other's lives. Gnarpy told tales of bold expeditions xe went on, stories of fighting weird monster creatures, and exploring a place called the 'Regretevator'. Swibbledib listened to xim rant, but slowly grew more horrified as Gnarpy told her about other, darker things.. Abducting humans, experimenting on them, and even sawing off the legs of a human and giving them brain damage.

"No! Ztop." Swibbledib said, putting an end to Gnarpy's tale telling.
Xe just looked confused "What? Iz there zomething wrong?"
"Well.. Why did you do that to thoze poor humanz."
"They dezerved it." Gnarpy hissed, crushing an empty can in xis claws.
"Not all of them!" Swibbledib cried "..They didn't dezerve it.."

Gnarpy was quiet, wondering really if xe did the right thing in all those years. Capturing humans, harassing innocent people, being downright awful. Gnarpy clutched xis head and sighed heavily "No.. I waz wrong. Thiz iz all wrong." Xe quietly sobbed "..All becauze thoze zeveral humanz kidnapped me..."

Swibbledib looked over at xim and placed a reassuring hand on xis shoulder. "Hey, I know why you did it. You wanted revenge." Swibbledib said, trying to be understanding even though it was still horrible. "I zhouldn't have.."

"You can't do anything about the pazt now, all you can do iz change your future."
Gnarpy looked up at her, xis wet, purple eyes reflecting the stars in the sky "Really?"
"Yez." She said, helping xim up.

"I promize no matter what, I alwayz be there for you."

(701 words!)

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