{|..~. Downpour .~..|}

874 12 23

Requested by: C0lin_99
Here's your Splivlby :D

[Split's POV]
The sky rumbled with thunder and rain poured down on the Regretevator.
Split gazed outside her window, watching rain patter onto the grass. She rested her head against the window frame. The rain was super relaxing to listen to, minus the loud thunder that came with it. Split had multiple concerns while wondering if lightning could strike Splitsville. The warmth of her home would surely keep her safe from the terrible conditions outside.

As Split stood up, ready to walk away and maybe read a book or do anything else, she spotted a figure outside. She squinted, trying to make out who or what was walking around outside.


[Pilby's POV]
Pilby stumbled through the wet grass, shivering. They wrapped a pair of arms around themselves and sighed. "Doh.. I-I should've dressed warmer..." Rain violently beat down on them and seemed to show no mercy. Droplets ran down their face and onto the ground to join the rest of the rain.

As Pilby was ready to give up their travel and turn back, they soon suddenly realized that they were lost. Nothing but wide, foggy and wet grass fields for miles. Pilby collapsed onto the grass, pulling their hood tighter over their head and sobbing.

They lifted their head, noticing a warm yellow light in the distance. The light grew closer and a familiar figure made its way through the fog. "Pilby?" Split said, barely loud enough to get over the rain. She carried a lantern with her to light the way, which somehow didn't get drenched and put out by the heavy rain. Pilby instantly lit up, happy to see Split, especially now. "S-Split!" Pilby said happily.

Split took their hand, helping them up. "T-Thank goodness you're here!.." Pilby shivered.
"Don't worry, you can stay at my place for a little while." Split reassured them.
She gently picked them up and took them back to her house.

The warm air of Split's house blanketed the two as they stepped inside. Split set Pilby down and quickly closed the door behind her. The rain could be heard faintly crashing against the roof of the house. "Are you okay?" Split asked "What were you doing out there in the rain?"

"Doh..." Pilby sighed "I had to walk to Mach's Office because the Regretevator flooded."
"Oh dear." Split replied "Well it's a good thing you're here now! Hey, wanna make some banana bread with me? I was just about to make some."
"Oh! Why.. Sure!" Pilby responded, slightly blushing "Can we invite Bive too?"
"Yeah! Of course!"
"Yay! :0)"

[Bive's POV]
Bive sat under her desk, holding her knees to her chest. The loud patter of rain was unnerving and driving her insane. There was occasionally the dripping of water leaking through the roof from the heavy rain. She clutched her notebook, scribbling randomness down. A 'ding!' caused Bive to jolt up. She came out from under the desk and grabbed her phone, seeing a new message.

Split: Hi Bivey!


Split: Wanna come over? Me and Pilby are making banana bread


Split: Ok! See you there!

Bive put her phone in her pocket and stood up. She grabbed her rain coat, which was normally tucked away and saved for occasions where it downpoured. After grabbing her notebook and any other necessities, she opened the door and was met with a gust of cold wind and a cluster of raindrops. Bive quickly shut the down behind her and started making her way through the harsh weather.


It didn't take long to get to Split's house considering Bive was rushing. She didn't want to stay stuck in the rain a second longer than she needed to. Water did not mix well with her.

Split opened the door to be met with Bive partially soaked. "Hiya Bivey!" She warmly greeted.
"H-hi." Bive shivered from the frosty wind. She quickly entered and Aplit helped her dry off and get settled in.

In the kitchen, Pilby stood on a stool grabbing ingredients from the pantry. The kitchen walls were painted a lovely yellow color and decorated with all things banana of course. It was so different compared to the violent weather outside. As Pilby set down the last of their needed ingredients, the three began baking.

After an hour of baking, the bread turned out quite well. Despite Bive rarely consuming anything but coffee, she was surprisingly good at baking once she got the hang of it. Pilby seemed to be struggling unfortunately. They all sat together and ate their banana bread.

As they finished, Pilby stared out the window. "Golly... It doesn't look like it's getting anything better..." Pilby said fearfully.
Bive slowly started to tense up. "W-we're not gonna be stuck here forever? RIGHT? RIGHT?? WERE NOT GONNA DIE RI-"
"Don't worry Bivey!" Split said, wrapping her arms around her and causing her to flinch a little "We'll be okay!"
Bive calmed down, smiling at her.
"Plus, we can have a sleepover!" She cheered.
"Yay! :0)" Pilby said.

Much time passes and the three decide it's time to fall asleep for the night.
Bive lied on the floor alongside Pilby with blankets and pillows to keep them comfortable. When everything finally felt safe, a loud boom of thunder sounded. Bive screamed, grabbing Pilby and squeezing them. "Huh?!" They yelped.
Bive trembled, shaken up by the thunder and lightning. Pilby gently patted her head.
"Aww, guys." Split said, joining them on the floor.

The three fell asleep on the floor within minutes.
Pilby lied in Bive's lap while Split cuddled next to the two.

Maybe the storm wasn't that bad.

(955 words!)

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