[|..> The Date <..|]

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Requested by: localMSIfan

Bive stood in the elevator fidgeting nervously when Poob had arrived onto the elevator. After the two of them standing together in silence for a while, Poob turned to her and asked "U alright? U seem... Uh... Off." Bive turned to Poob and shook her head. "Haha, no! The government isn't watching me!" She replied quickly. "That's not what I asked..." Poob said. "Oh. Uh, well..." Bive said, trailing off before Split had entered the elevator. "Heya Poob! Hi Bivey!" Split said gleefully. Bive went still when Split said Bivey.

"Hehe, hi Split." Bive replied shyly. Split smiled, standing with the two of them. "So... Bivey... I wanted to ask you." Split said, turning to her. Bive perked up, looking towards Split. "What?!"
"Will you meet me at the Bugbo floor tonight?" Split asked.
"I... Tonight?! You and me?!" Bive asked.
Split nodded while smiling.
"Of course!" Bive said, trying to resist the urge to bounce up and down.


The elevator came to Splitsville, Split's floor. Split left the elevator, waving to Bive and Poob. "I think she liks u!" Poob said, blowing his party horn. Bive started bouncing around "I KNOW!"
"Uh, careful Bive!! You might tear the ceiling down..." Poob said.
"Oh, right."
Bive stopped and remembered the awful thought about the government watching her. "What if they're still watching..." Bive said aloud. Poob looked at her confusedly. "Uh, idk..." He shrugged with a sheepish smile. "THE GOVERNMENT IS GONNA COME FOR US ALL!!" Bive screamed. Poob stood there completely unaware of what to do.


The elevator arrived at Poob's house. "Well uh, good luck with ur government issues..." Poob said, leaving the elevator. Bive sighed. She looked around the empty elevator. "I wont let the government stop me.."

A couple hours later and the sun began to fall, well, in the places where you could see the sun. Bive waited in the elevator, staring off into space while trying to distract herself from her anxiety.


The elevator had finally arrived at the Bugbo floor and Bive quickly left. She looked around, gazing at the vast hills and trees. She spotted Split waving to her on the top of a hill. Bive quickly ran over. "Hey Bivey!" Split said. "Oh uh, hey Split." Bive responded, sitting down with her. "So... Need something?" Bive asked, curious why she was here. "Well... I wanted us to have a date since we haven't had any yet." Split replied. "Oh!" Bive exclaimed "Are you sure." Split and her stayed silent for a couple awkward seconds until Split brought out a basket of bread and muffins. "It's not that much of a dinner, but hopefully you won't mind!" Split said.

Split could see Bive staring off again nervously. "Bive? You okay?" Split asked. "Oh, uh, yeah." She said snapping out of it. Bive was still very convinced that the government was watching her, in fact, what if they were here now? The thought drove her insane on the inside. Split passed a muffin to Bive and started eating one of her own. Bive cautiously ate the muffin, untrusting of everything around her.

Split could see she was clearly distressed, but she knew Bive was always like that, so she seemed to push that thought aside.

While eating her muffin, Bive lifted her head. "Do you hear them too?" She asked. Split looked at her concerned. "No?" Split responded after a short couple seconds. After another quick glance around the open hills and plains, Bive went back to eating.

The date went on for a couple more minutes before Split got more worried. Bive kept acting weird, as if they were about to get hit by a missle any second now. "Hey, are you okay?" Split asked, finally deciding to ask. "Yes!" Bive responded quickly. "You know, you can tell me if something's bothering you, Bive." Split said. Bive silently sat there for a moment before sighing. "I'm panicking..." She admitted "I think the government is watching me..."

Split didn't seem all too surprised, it was always things like this that Bive thought, but it was different, this was bothering her. "Oh, Bive." Split said "I can assure you, the government isn't watching you!" Bive looked at her worriedly. "You sure?" She asked. "Of course." Split responded, scooting next to her. Bive smiled, feeling a bit more comfortable now. Bive still had doubts, but Split seemed to make the situation feel better.

"But, Split, are you really sur-" Bive was cut off as Split suddenly kissed her. Bive was frozen and silent for a long minute while Split just sat there smiling. "Don't worry Bive, you'll be alright." She said. Bive was so shaken up and feeling way too many emotions all at once. She smiled, looking at Split. The sky turned darker and darker as each second passed. "Gotta get home. Bye Bivey!" Split said, sprinting down the hill towards the elevator.

Bive sat there, still stuck in thought. She never felt loved like this before, she didn't even know what love was since she was too busy being a psychopath. It made her entirely forget all the government theories. Bive stayed there for a while, watching the stars and thinking about Split.

(868 Words!)

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