[..~( A Beetle Friend )~..]

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Requested by: Cobwezxoxo

Infected and Pest besties :)
(It's not quite exactly a ship, but you consider it whatever you want!)

Infected was super tired today. His head rests on his keyboard with him slowly clicking the mouse buttons. He didn't sleep at all last night, he was too busy hanging out with Lampert that night.


"Hmmrrphh..." Infected mumbled. He rubbed his head, sitting up. The elevator had arrived at his apartment. He knew the players would be excited to see him, so he might as well go. Infected sleepily stood up from his desk and began walking to the elevator. A group of players eagerly followed him. He stopped in the corner of the elevator, pressing his back up against the wall and sliding down. He sat there on the floor in his own world. "Hey Infected!!1! Woke up on teh wrong side of teh bed dis morning??" Poob said, laughing. Infected looked up at him. "W0ke uP? 1f th@t WaS a TH1ng..." He spoke.

Infected watched his apartment quickly turn into a mess of checkered pink and black with players running around. Infected sighed. "Something the matter?" Poob asked him. "N0th1ng." Infected replied.

The players were soon brought back to the elevator and the elevator started moving again. For a while the elevator trip was just the loud chatter of players and their nonsense along with them throwing snowballs at Poob and Infected. The Regretevator was the basic definition of a kindergarten full of immature adults. Infected didn't know their reasons for doing so, maybe it was just something to do with them being players and them being NPCs, two completely different people. While dozing off into his thoughts, he was startled by the faint sound of coins clinking together. Infected glanced around the room, it didn't look like anyone had coins. Infected turned around and saw Pest directly behind him.

Infected screamed, jumping up and kicking Pest in the knee. He fell backwards on the floor, now completely awake from that scare. Pest hissed loudly holding their leg. He looked over at Infected. "WH@T TH3 H3LL?!?!" Infected shouted. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT THE HELL?! YOU KICKED ME IN THE LEG! AND IT HURT!" Pest yelled in Japanese. "Y0U.." Infected trailed off as he saw coins scattered on the floor around Pest, along with some in his pockets. "Y0u tR1ed RoBb1ng m3?!"

Poob awkwardly stared at the two of them. Pest quickly swept up the coins from the floor and stuffed them in his pocket.


The elevator arrived at the Cardboard mansion. Pest started out the elevator. "H3Y! W@1T!" Infected shouted, chasing after Pest. Pest shoved through the flimsy cardboard doors, going in and out of rooms. Infected could barely keep up, but it was easily to find him because of how many coins he left as a trail. Pest ran out of luck, bursting into a dead end. He turned around to face Infected standing at the doorway. "P3st, 1m n0t g0nNa-" Infected was cut off.
"I need the money..." Pest said.
Infected looked at him confused.
Pest hesitated before continuing "I lost it all..."
Infected felt bad. Considering Pest wasn't the kind of person to be so open about his issues, this meant it was really something bad. "Th@Ts aLr1ght. Y0u caN k3ep 1t." Infected said. He had plenty of coins at home anyways.
"What..." Pest said "Why would you forgive me, let alone keep your coins?"
"W3ll.. 1 jUst gu3sS 1m a g0oD p3rSon."
Pest slightly looked down, saddened.
Infected smiled at him. "1f yoU w@nT, y0u Can t@LK t0 m3 @bout y0uR pr0bLEms." He said, sitting down with Pest.
Pest looked at him hesitantly, then sighed.

The two sat together as Infected tried to make Pest feel better. Eventually, they went from talking about his problems to talking about random stuff. Being able to pass the time by talking to someone he could trust made Pest feel better. Pest notices on his watch that it was getting late. Infected and him walked towards where the elevator would shortly arrive.

"G0Nna t@ke th3 r1DE w1Th m3?" Infected asked him.
"Nah." Pest said. He jumped up, clinging onto and punching a hole in the flimsy cardboard ceiling.
"TaK3 c@re, P3St!" Infected waved to him.
Pest smiled, looking down at him. He climbed through the hole he had punched and began climbing the elevator shaft.

Pest for once had a new friend he could trust.
Maybe he'd lay off stealing for a while.

(759 words!)

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