{..>.\\ Double Date //.<..}

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Requested by: EntityFawn

Partybeetle and Scenelight combined into one story?! WOWZERS!

Lampert sat on the couch in the living room, watching TV until he heard a faint knocking at his door. Lampert quickly stood up and went to the door to answer it. He opened the door and saw Infected standing there.
"H1 L@MP3rt!" Infected greeted him cheerfully.
"Hello Infected." Lampert said "Whatcha doing here so early in the morning?"
"W3ll... I w@nTeD t0 ASk..." Infected started "W1ll y0u g0 oN a d@TE w1th m3?"
Lampert was shocked that of all people he'd be asked to go out with.
"Why.. Thanks! Of course, Infected!" Lampert said in a slightly happier tone.

They both walked to the Red Ball Diner together. It wasn't too far away, just a slightly farther trip than from Lampert's house to Infected's. As they walked inside, they were greeted by an employee and taken to an empty table.

"Thanks for taking me here." Lampert said. "0F c0Urs3!" Infected said, blushing a little.

A waiter came over and began taking their order.

"Will that be all?" They asked.
"Y3p!" Infected said.

The waiter walked away to give their order to the chef.
While the two were waiting and chatting, the bell above the door rung and a familiar face walked through. Poob stepped into the restaurant, happy as always. Infected's attention was caught on another familiar face entering behind them. Pest waited behind Poob for them to get a table. While Infected was glad to see Pest, Lampert wasn't as happy. Lampert remembers being told by his dad, Mark that Pest was a shady and dangerous thief. Strange how such a mysterious and dark pickpocketer could be with such a happy and jolly partygoer.

The two were placed at a table right next to Lampert and Infected's. Everything seemed to go fine for a while, minus Lampert feeling slightly uncomfortable. The waiter shortly came and gave Infected and Lampert their food and stopped by Pest and Poob's table to take their order, then quickly walked away.

While eating, Lampert couldn't help but stare at Pest. Lampert stared at his sharp horns and mandibles, wondering how many people he probably kills with them. Pest noticed Lampert staring and turned to glare at him, his four red eyes gleaming menacingly in the dim lighting of the diner. Lampert quickly looked away fearfully. Pest sighed in annoyance, looking back at his own table. "D0n't w0Rry L@Mp3rt! P3St jUSt 1Sn't r3ALly a... S0ci@bl3 p3rSOn." Infected said, reassuring him. He must've been talking too loud, the beetle passed Infected an irritated glance. Infected ignored him and continued eating.

Lampert felt more comfortable knowing Infected wasn't afraid at all, in general, Infected always made him feel more comfortable.

Much later as they both finished eating, Infected left a tip on the table for the waiter and the two walked towards the door holding hands.

"Awwwhhhh..." Poob sighed, smiling and blowing his party horn "Look at teh lovebirds.. Reminds meh of u and me!"
Poob pointed at Pest, smiling.
"Uhm.. No!" Pest hissed. Poob placed a hand on Pest's hand.
"U don't need to deny it!" He said
Pest glared at him, trying to scare him into not emotionally attaching to him.
"Hehe! U can't scare me! I've seen my house exploded thousands of times!!1"
Pest grumbled angrily, realizing he wasn't changing anything.
He sighed, turning to look at Poob.
"Fine.. I suppose.. Maybe we are boyfriends..." Pest said.
"YIPPEE!!1!!" Poob yelled out, hugging Pest.
"GAH- BOYFRIENDS! THAT DOESN'T CONFIRM ANYTHING!" Pest said, squirming to try and get away from him.
Poob chose not to listen to him, just being his happy self.

Lampert and Infected stood by the door, watching those two. They laughed, not in a mean way, but still found it funny. "CM0n L@Mp, l3ts H3Ad h0ME." Infected said to Lampert.

What fun is there in being straight anyway?

(658 words!)

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