[..+-| Stupid Co-leader |-+..]

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Requested by: SillyChildX9
Uhhh, comfort angst? Idk...
Is there really such thing as Gnarpy angst? If not, I guess there is now!

Gnarpy sat on the floor of the elevator in a bad mood. Xe was sick and tired of xis ship crashing every day and those awful earthlings torturing xim. One of them suddenly ran over to Gnarpy sitting on the floor and threw a snowball at xim. It hit xim in the head and xe quickly turned to look at the player.

"YOU STUPID CAT! I HATE YOU!" The player shouted at xim. Gnarpy was confused for a moment before remembering. Everyone knew what xe did to Spud and they all hated xim for it. Of course, it wasn't good, but that was months ago..

"SPUD NEVER DESERVED IT! YOU DESERVE IT MORE!" The player continued to shout before throwing more snowballs. A couple other players in the elevator joined in on harassing and throwing things at Gnarpy. Gnarpy placed xis hands over xis head, trying to deflect the snowballs being thrown at him. "ZTOP! ZHUT UP!!" Xe yelled at them. They didn't really stop, although the wasn't surprised. Xe continued to sit there on the floor, shouting back at the players. Xe was already hoping this pain would end.

Split was in the elevator at the time. She watched the chaos happening in the corner of the elevator, concerned and confused. She was used to seeing players pick on NPCs including herself, but this was more aggressive than usual. Split was starting to feel bad for Gnarpy.


The elevator arrived at the brick maze. Gnarpy shoved a player onto the floor as xe stood up and rushed out of the elevator. Split curiously followed behind. The players started out of the elevator, some of them trying to find Gnarpy again. Split ran after Gnarpy, trying not to hit an optical illusion painted on the walls. After what seemed like forever of searching, Split found Gnarpy sitting on the floor. Xe tucked xis knees into xis chest and sat up against the wall, breathing heavily and in relief.

Split watched him from around the corner before quietly coming out from her hiding spot.
"GAH- WHAT ARE YOU.. HOW-" Gnarpy was cut off by Split.
"Gnarpy, shh! You don't want them finding you do you?" Split said.
"Don't try to zhuzh me." Gnarpy growled, flicking xis tail.
Split sighed, knowing it'd be hard to have a normal conversation with such an angry and grouchy cat.
Split sat down next to Gnarpy as xe judged her with xis stare.
"Go away." Gnarpy hissed.
"No." Split said "I want to help you."
Gnarpy stared at her for a moment before grumbling "I don't need or want help.. I'm the co-leader of Gar!"
"Gnarpy, you're not a friendly or sociable feline, but I don't care about that, I just want to know you're at least happy." Split spoke honestly, trying to be more reassuring.
Gnarpy stared at xis feet for a while before lifting xis head to speak "Promize you'll keep thiz between the two of uz?"
Split smiled and nodded.
Gnarpy hesitated before speaking again.
"I'm zick and tired of crazhing juzt to enter an elevator full of awful earthlingz. I juzt want to go home..."
Home. The word seemed to hit xim harder than any of those snowballs did.
That's all xe's wanted from the start, to go home.
Gnarpy felt tears try to escape xis eyes, but xe desperately tried to resist crying.
Split stayed quiet before finally saying "Yeah.. This elevator and its passengers are awful, but we can't avoid it."
Gnarpy sighs, looking down.
"If I know anything, you just need someone to look out for you." Split said putting a hand on xis shoulder "And I can be that someone."
Gnarpy looked at her, deciding not to back away from her. "Why? Even after what I did to Zpud?"
"It wasn't right, but you still deserve to be happy." Split replied.

Gnarpy hated how xe was being so sensitive and weird, but deep down, this was always something xe's wanted, to be able to talk to someone.
"Thank you, Zplit..." Gnarpy said after a short moment of silence.
Split smiled in response.

The players were now gone from the maze and the elevator would shortly leave. "Goodbye Gnarpy." Split said, waving to xim as she stood by the entrance to the elevator. Gnarpy looked back and waved to her, feeling slightly better.

While Split boarded the elevator and Gnarpy continued to walk through the maze, xis mind raced with thoughts.


What will the leader zay if xe findz out?!

Then again... Maybe it'z not terrible...


I never zhould've zaid anything..

Maybe thingz will change.

(815 words!)

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