..[.\ Another Tired Night /.]..

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Requested by: Stan713

Kinda short but oh well :)
Also Wallmark angst warning lol

Lampert rests his head against the window, sighing. The arguing and shouting from outside his bedroom door was overwhelming. Why couldn't his parents just get along for one night? He watched cars go by from out the window, wishing he had a car to jump into and drive away from all the pain.

As his parent's fighting grew more intense, Lampert unlatched the lock on his window and slid it open. He climbed out, careful not to get any dust on him and looked back. "Sorry dads." Lampert sighed, gently sliding the window shut. He climbed down and stepped onto the smooth grey sidewalk.

Infected's apartment wasn't too far from his house, maybe Lampert could go and sleep over without getting a headache. Lampert quickly made his way down the road until he spotted his best friend's apartment. He walked into the building and took the stairs up to the floor Infected was on. Lampert knocked on his door and waited a short moment before Infected opened the door. "0h, hEY L@mP3rt!" Infected said "H3y, 1sn'T it a b1t l@t3 t0 c0mE oVEr?"

"I know.. I'm not supposed to be here right now, but I cant take it anymore!" Lampert burst out "I can't sleep in the same house as my parents because they're always too busy arguing!" Lampert looked down, feeling as if he was about to cry.

"H3y Hey.. D0nt wo7ry! Y0u c@n STay w1th m3 f0r a 1ittle." Infected said, trying to lift his spirits. He put a hand on Lampert's shoulder, guiding him into his room. Lampert smiled at him.

They both sat down on the couch. "D0 y0u w@nna TAlk ab0ut 1t?" Infected asked him.
"Yeah..." Lampert replied softly.
"I miss the happy family we used to be so many years ago. I feel like I'm being torn in half by their arguments, wondering which is really better... Wood or concrete? It's almost like their pointless opinions are growing on me, starting to make me question..."
Lampert slowly began to trail off, his head heavy on him. The lack of sleep every night and the walk to Infected's place was finally catching up to him.  "I'm... I'm tired..." Lampert mumbled, leaning against Infected.

"1t's 0kay... Sl3ep.." Infected said. He hugged Lampert.

Lampert would try to resist cuddling him, being paranoid about germs, but he was too tired to care.
"L0v3 y0u." Infected said, smiling.
Lampert looked at him and smiled back.
"Love you..."

(427 words!)

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