|[.<.. Unpleasant's Birthday ..>.]|

413 6 27

Requested by: CaliginousAquariumm
Unpleasant x Pilby! :D

Pilby stood in the far corner of the elevator, cowering around the crowd of hostile-looking people. There were definitely a scary people such as Pest, Gnarpy, and even Folly who began appearing not too long ago, but there were even players. Most of them didn't really care to look at NPCs as intelligent beings, rather just as a target to throw snowballs at when they're bored. Pilby did their best to stay out of their way, but failed.

Their body was shivering cold from the snow clinging to their body. Multiple snowballs had been thrown at them for fun.

While Pilby sulked, a familiar face walked over to them. "H3Y P1Lby!" Infected said.
"O-oh. Hi Infected." Pilby responded, noticing a small envelope he was holding in one hand "What's that?"
"0h, r1GhT! Th1S 1S f0R y0U." Infected said, handing the envelope to them "MY Fr3@Ky R0Om@T3 ASk3D ME 0F aLL P30PLe t0 g1V3 1Nv@t@t10ns t0 3V3ry0Ne."

Pilby carefully opened the envelope and pulled out a folded piece of paper. They unfolded and read the message from Unpleasant.

Your invited to my birthday! *Insert a very poorly drawn smily*
Tomorrow at 7PM in Infected's Apartment
Free cake!!
pls come


A small smile appeared on Pilby's face.
They were invited? It was amazing to know someone cared, especially by someone who isn't cared much about.

"Thank you, Infected." Pilby said to him.
"Y0uR W3lC0m3." Infected replied before walking off.


Tomorrow was a very exciting day for Unpleasant.. Their birthday!
They had everything planned out, balloons, cake, and even invitations they constantly asked Infected's to give out until he finally did. Unpleasant waited on the couch, watching the TV. They would quickly look towards the door every time they heard something that sounded like it opening, hoping for Infected to be walking through that door with no more invitations in hand. Unpleasant started to get a little anxious. What if Infected came back and bugged out, refusing to give out those invitations? Unpleasant brushed it off, it would be fine.

Besides! They're a great guy! Who wouldn't come to their party?


"Absolutely not. That gradient has too many germs."

"Haha.. Uh, I wish I could come, but much work to be done in Splitsville!"

"My dearest apologies friend, but.. I'd rather not be near Unpleasant."

"If that gradient thinks it's gettin' me t' come, get someone else!"


"いや、クソだ。(Fuck no.)"

"Uhh.. I'm sori.. I got a parti tonite alreddy!"

"Spud.. Sorry."

"Your of by the party is no. Frog."

"T-.Thank you for eating at Redball Diner! Come back soon!"

Unpleasant was very excited!


The time of the party rolled around.
Pilby entered the building, a blue present with golden ribbons wrapped around it in their hands. They walked down the hallway towards Infected's apartment and stopped at the door. They rang the doorbell and waited until a familiar face had opened the door. Unpleasant leapt out from the apartment and hugged Pilby tightly. "PILBY!! YOUR HERE!!" They said happily "Are the others with you too?" They placed Pilby down.

Unpleasant glanced around the empty hallways, expecting more people to be around.
Pilby's expression sorrowed "Doh.. Unpleasant I'm so sorry.. :0("
Tears began in Unpleasant's eyes "They didn't come..." They started sobbing "..Why would they anyway? I'm just a freak.."
Pilby hugged onto them tightly "No your not, not in my eyes. You're one of the best people I've ever known and nobody should judge you because of how you look."
Unpleasant looked down at them, a small smile appearing on their face "Im so happy to know someone cares."
"Me too. :0)"

They went inside and had cake while talking and laughing together until night shortly fell.

"Hey! I almost forgot!" Pilby said, taking out the present they'd prepare for Unpleasant.
Unpleasant was handed the present, staring at it and admiring it for a short while "Nobody's given me a present for so long..."
"Open it :0)"

Unpleasant unwrapped the golden ribbon from it and lifted the lid off the box.
Inside was a plushie of themself (Their humanoid version)
They lifted it out of the box in awe before hugging it to their chest and almost crying tears of joy.

"Thank you Pilby!!" They said, kissing them on the cheek.
Pilby was left flustered before kissing them back.

They lied down on the couch together, snuggling,
Until they finally fell asleep.

(769 words!)

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