[..<.>+{ Lovers and Fighters }+<.>..]

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Requested by: Luvi_nobody
You asked for either Pest x Poob or Wallmark angst, so I just decided combined to two cus why not :)
Also sorry, it's short again 😔 It's most likely gonna be like that with most of my stories, but oh well 😁

Poob and Pest walked into elevator together, Pest trying to stay as far behind as possible. "Heya Pest!1" Poob said as he leaned against the railings. Pest rolled his eyes, trying to ignore him. "Did u hear bout that party last night? It wuz crazy!1!" Poob went on, blowing his party horn. Pest focused on his surroundings, trying to tune out his conversation.

Wallter and Mark were standing in the elevator in front of them along with three other noisy players jumping around. One of the players hopped onto the railings and jumped onto Wallter's shoulders. "Huh?" Wallter glanced at the player climbing onto him. The player stood on top of his head.
"I wonder why they do that..." Wallter said to himself.
"Heh, nice hat ya got there, brick boy!" Mark laughed.
"Shut up.." Wallter mumbled. He gently grabbed the player from off his head and put them down.
"What was that? Yer too tall!" Mark shouted.
Wallter looked down at him, unamused.
"Maybe it's just your thick head!" Wallter yelled at him.

Pest groaned. He knew just what would happen next. The two erupted into a whole argument, yelling back and forth at each other. Poob clung to Pest, scared by their arguing. Pest scowled at him, hissing. "We won't end up like dem... Will we?" Poob asked Pest. Pest thought for a moment. He hated Poob, but he'd never want to put him through the arguing that Wallter and Mark went through. Pest looked at him and shook his head no with a reassuring smile. Poob smiled back happily, blowing his party horn. "I lov u.." He said. Pest blushed, slightly shocked. After a short moment of silence between them, Pest finally said "I love you too..."

Wallter and Mark turned to them, just noticing they were in here. They stared at Poob and Pest hugging before Pest finally realized. "Oh uh.. Hey Poob.. Pest." Mark said, a bit scared of Pest. Pest quickly shoved Poob off him and turned to look at the two.


"Uhm, looks like this is my stop." Pest said, quickly exiting the elevator and onto the cardboard mansion floor. "Mine 2!" Poob said, following after Pest. The two walked side by side, Pest trying to resist Poob trying to hold his hand. The elevator doors slowly closed, leaving Wallter and Mark alone with the players.

"Awhhh, lovers." Mark said, smiling.
"Do you ever wonder if we'll be lovers again someday?" Wallter turned to Mark.
Mark's smile faded away. He looked down sorrowfully.
After that, Wallter kept silent.

Would they someday?

(476 words!)

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