{[.~..- Tangled Feelings -..~.]}

477 11 32

Requested by: sillycatmeowsers
Partybeetle! :D

Pest stood in the elevator, his mind tangled in weird feelings. It was so odd. He'd constantly lash out and curse at Poob, whether it was in Japanese or not, yet Poob still treated him so well and showed affection. Out of everyone in the Regretevator, no matter who was in the room, Poob was always most excited to see him despite how awful he was to them. A part of Pest was starting to hate himself for treating Poob like shit, but he'd rather keep that thought away then tell anybody. The little partygoer was really cute too, which Pest had to admit to himself although he hated doing so. They both started becoming closer as weeks inched by. Poob left him gifts and mysterious love letters which Pest assumed to be from them, because who else would actually love someone like him? He couldn't be sure yet.

These thoughts and feelings all tangled and bunched together in his mind soon created a headache for him. That headache didn't seem to ease very well as Poob came walking into the elevator. They waved to Pest cheerfully before standing beside him.

"Hai!" They said happily. "..Wats wrong? U look nervous.. or upset?"
Pest struggled to quickly fix his expression, making himself look a little more like the tough and aggressive beetle he usually was.

"Nothing." He mumbled.
Poob noticed his change in expression, catching on.
Oh great..

It was hard to hide anything from Poob, they were pretty good at figuring out things within a matter of minutes or hours. "Ur acting veri weird today.." Poob said suspiciously.
Pest side-eyed him "I'm not."
"Yes u r!"
"No I'm not."
"Yes u r!"
"No I'm-"

Before Pest could finish he was suddenly kissed on the cheek by Poob. He didn't know how to react, frozen there. Should he be angry? Disgusted? Happy even?

Poob just giggled, hugging the flustered beetle.
"U look so cute when ur surprised!" They said.

This was what he wanted, wasn't it?

Pest hugged Poob back, embracing the moment.
Poob looked up at him with joy in his wide eyes. As if they both read each other's minds, they kissed. Pest's jumbled mind cleared, the answer was here now.


Pest and Poob quickly broke the kissed and turned to the elevator door where Bive was standing.


Pest sneered at her and hissed "GET THE FUCK OUT!"

She ran out while Poob was laughing. After a moment of staring at the elevator entrance to make sure no one else was secretly there, Pest looked back over at Poob and smiled.

"Wanna get icecream?" Poob suggested cheerfully.
"Sure, why not." Pest replied.

No longer did Pest need to worry about his feelings and growing headaches.
He now was free of it.

(477 words!)

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