//<.-.. Thrill of Falling ..-.>\\

301 9 22

Requested by: Xx_stitchy_bitchy_xX
Infected :P
(Poptart mentioned too 😁)
Enjoy :3

The sun rose up over the city, blanketing cold brick walls with bright sunlight. Light blinked through Infected's window on the balcony and rapid footsteps could be heard approaching. Infected came running out of the closet gleefully with his cat named Poptart clung to his shoulder. Infected clutched his skateboard, opening the glass door to the balcony and letting the warm sunlight hit his face. Upon opening the door, he dropped his skateboard and hopped on. "BR@C3 Y0Ur S3Lf, P0Pt@Rt!" Infected said before speeding onto the balcony and off the edge.

They plummeted a long way before Infected's skateboard touched down on the hard concrete ground, causing him to go severely unbalanced. He quickly fixed his posture and kept skating down the alley at a fast pace. Poptart was holding on for dear life, looking like it was gonna maybe throw up. The two left the alleyway and began heading down the sidewalk, which thankfully didn't have any people on it because of how damn early in the morning it was to be doing any of this. But Infected couldn't care less anyway.

Infected turned right and off the sidewalk, quickly skating across the road and into the skatepark. He stopped by a bench to rest. He reached back and declawed Poptart from his shirt, gently setting the cat down on the bench beside him. Poptart stood there, eyes wide with shock. It took a moment to cough up a hairball and recollect itself before crawling over to Infected and jumping onto his lap just as he was about to get up.

"H3Y! P0pt@Rt, 1 W@s JuST AB0Ut t0 G3t UP!" Infected frowned.
Poptart just turned its head to stare up at him before rolling onto its back and closing its eyes.
Infected smiled, reaching over and petting Poptart as it began purring.

Together they watched the sun rise higher until they were both entirely covered in sunlight. Once Poptart had had enough of Infected's affection, it got off of him and sat down on the bench once more. Infected stood up, grabbing his skateboard and hopping onto it. Poptart would watch as he zoomed around the skatepark that was currently all to himself since no one was there.

Nothing beats the wind against your face or the thrill of falling.

(Sorry if it took a while to publish 🥲 I hope you enjoy it though ^_^)

(411 words!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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