[..>\ Two Unpleasent Sights /<..]

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Requested by: AcenotsorryXD

Kasper sat on the floor of his apartment, fearfully staring at his glitchy arm. The weird part he had touched, laying in front of him, flashed from a checkered black and pink texture to normal in the same unison that his arm did. The weird virus quickly spread up his arm. "WHAT IS H@PpEnING?!1?!" Now his voice was starting to glitch as well. The glitching was growing more painful for him. Kasper couldn't even stand up, his body was becoming weaker from the virus.

He collapsed, blacking out.


Some time had passed since he blacked out, and he was finally starting to wake up. His vision was blurry and he felt light-headed. He looked up to see what looked like a rectangle with a very ugly gradient pattern. He rubbed his eyes, sitting up and staring at the unpleasant looking gradient. "Enjoy your beauty rest?" The gradient said, spooking him. "Wh@.. WHaT aR3 y0u?" He asked, then looked down at his hands "Wh0 Am 1.."

The only name that came to his mind was Infected, but it didn't feel like it could be his name... Was it? "Wow, you're so gullible to be buying a free part from a random robloxian." Unpleasant laughed. Infected glared at them. "H0W W@$ 1 SUP0S3D T0 KN0W?!?!"

Unpleasant continued to stare. Despite not having any eyes or facial features at all, their staring was extremely unnerving. Infected stood up, finding he had the ability too again. He also realized his voice was different and glitchy. Infected returned a glare to Unpleasant as they stared at him. Their short moment of aggressive eye contact was suddenly broken by Infected sneezing.
"Eugh.. Keep your filthy virus to yourself." Unpleasant said.
Infected groaned. "G3t 0uT 0F mY h0us3!" Infected shouted at them.
"Why? It's so comfy here." Unpleasant said stubbornly.
Infected frowned.
"F1n3 tH3n! I '1l m@Ke y0u!"
Infected walked over to Unpleasant and began trying to push him. Despite how weightless they seemed, they wouldn't budge.

Infected sneezed again and slipped, falling over. Unpleasant looked down at him. "Pathetic." The gradient mumbled.
Infected looked up at them, those stupid ugly colors mocking him.

Infected stood up and gave one more annoyed look before walking to the door and exiting his apartment. He leaned up against the wall outside his apartment, arms crossed. This had most likely been the worst day of his life, getting a weird virus and now having a stupid gradient that wouldn't leave his home.

Infected sat down, sighing miserably.
Something's telling him this virus won't got away any time soon...

(437 words!)

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