(..~.+ Picnic +.~..)

480 7 24

Requested by: Lampxert
(Poly Pilby, Infected, and Lampert! :D)

Lampert lied in bed half-awake and sleepy. A faint ding could be heard from his phone. He sat up, picking up his phone and seeing a text from Infected.

Infected: H3y L@mpy!! :D M33t m3 at Bugbo's fl0or 1n a l1ttle? XD

Lampert: Sure, what for?

Infected: 1t's a surpr1s3! :3

Lampert: Alright, be there in a moment

Lampert placed his phone in his pocket and got up, getting ready to leave.
He headed out the door and made his way into the elevator, stepping around what he considered to be dirt and grime. Lampert really didn't like the elevator because of how filthy it always was, and how even more disgusting some of the people in there were. He stood awkwardly in the corner of the elevator, away from everyone else. He liked it better this way anyways.


It didn't take too long before the elevator finally arrived to where he wanted to go. Lampert walked out of the elevator and past Bugbo.

"Why the fuck do people choose this place to date all the time?.." Bugbo said to themself.

Lampert walked up the hill and to an area where Infected was sitting with a picnic set up. "SUrp1s3!" He said happily. Lampert smiled "You could've told me, I would've boughten something." He said. "N0 w0Rr1es! 1 h@V3 3v3ryth1ng h3rE.. EXc3pT P1lBs... Y0u h@v3n't s3en th3M h@V3 y0U?" Lampert shook his head.

Infected looked towards the elevator. "L3ts g0 l0Ok f0r h1M, L@Mpy!"

They went down the hill and entered the elevator.
Infected asked over to the panel on the wall and pushed a button to go to The Wheel Of, slipping a ticket into the slot. They both waited patiently for the elevator to arrive at its destination, Lampert standing closer to Infected's than he'd normally stand near others.


The elevator doors slid open, allowing the two to walk out onto the smooth checkered floor. Mach sat on top of the stage, sipping a cup of tea as Lampert and Infected approached the goddess. "May I help you?" She asked, her ominous red eyes staring down on them. "Y3@H, 1S P1lBy h3Re?" Infected asked her, completely unaffected by Mach's rather terrifying gaze. "No. They left not too long ago."

"0K, tH@nK y0u!" Infected waved to her as he and Lampert walked back into the elevator.
"I wonder where they went..." Lampert mummered and he watched the timer tick down.
Just then, Infected's phone began ringing from his pocket. He quickly took it out and accepting the call.
"Doh.." Pilby's voice could be heard on the other end "..Can you pick me up? I'm lost in the ROKEA.. :0("
"D0nT w0Rry P1LBs, w3'LL b3 Th3Re S0oN!"
Infected hung up, walking over to the panel on the wall and pressing another button to send them to the ROKEA.
After a few more seconds of waiting, they finally arrived.


The doors opened to the vast and open ROKEA, where Lampert usually hung out. "This is it." He said, stepping out of the elevator. Infected went ahead, calling out Pilby's name "P1LbY? ..P11I11By!!"
After a few minutes of running around and calling their name, Pilby came out from behind a bed, running over to Infected and hugging him tightly. "AWwwH, H1 P1LBy." Infected said hugging them back. Lampert soon came over to them, happily greeting the caterpillar. Lampert affectionately picked Pilby up, gently setting them on his shoulders. Lampert might've been a germaphobe, but something about being around Pilby and Infected made him forget a little about his fear of germs.

Pilby lightly kissed Lampert on his lampshade, causing him to smile a little more.
"CM0n y0u gUYs! L3ts G0 h@V3 0Ur P1cn1c!" Infected's said happily, beginning towards the elevator.

When they got back to Bugbo's floor, they enjoyed a small meal together and ended up staying nearly the whole day.
"1 L0V3 y0u GUys!"

(669 words!)

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