+~..| Pretty Princess |..~+

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Requested by: Entityfawn
(My happiness is fueling this new passion)

The elevator was bustling with energy today.
Players ran around like maniacs and four tired NPCs stood around. Wallter and Mark silently passed hateful glances to one another from opposite ends of the elevator. Poob and Gnarpy stood out of the way, watching their silent stares. Poob weakly blew his party horn, breaking the tension. "Haha... Soooo... How's it going?.." Poob asked, trying to start up a conversation in the awkward silence. "Great til' this awful excuse for a living being came in." Mark replied aggressively. Poob stayed silent, nervously looking up at Wallter who stared down at Mark full of hate.

"Whose idea was it to wood carve this mannequin a mouth?" Wallter mumbled.
"What?! I can't hear ya! Yer too tall!" Mark shouted.
"Will this get through your thick wood skull?!" Wallter shouted louder this time "If you're so upset about me being so tall, maybe grow up!"
"I suggest ya shut yer mouth before ya say somethin' stupid!" Mark yelled.

Gnarpy screamed.

The two went silent and all three looked at Gnarpy.
At this point, Poob has completely backed into the corner of the elevator, not wanting to be a part of this chaotic situation.
Wallter and Mark looked at each other and then back at Gnarpy.
"Hold yer tongue, cat! Ya weren't invited to this conversation!" Mark shouted.

Gnarpy stood in front of the elevator doors, overlooking everyone in the elevator. The players continued to jump around, not even remotely caring about what was happening.

"I can do whatever I pleaze!" Gnarpy replied.


While they all clearly heard it, they were more focused on Gnarpy and whatever stupid action xe was about to make.

"I zwear, if either one of you openz your mouth, IM GONNA- AAHH! GAH!"
A pink hand appeared out of a pitch black room, grabbing Gnarpy.

Gnarpy squirmed, trying to escape the hand's grasp.
"NO NO! LET ME GO!" Gnarpy screamed.

The hand dragged Gnarpy into the pitch black room.
The room suddenly lit up, revealing its true appearance.
A corridor lined with cobblestone brick walls, menacing obstacles, and an even more deadly lava pit below.

Jeremy looked at Gnarpy, smiling. "What a nice addition to my collection!"
"COLLECTION?!" Gnarpy shouted.
Gnarpy was put in a princess dress and given a princess hat before being dropped into a cage.

"You're now a pretty princess!" Jeremy said gleefully.
"NO I AM NOT! THIZ IZ AGAINZT GNARPIAN LAW!" Gnarpy yelled at Jeremy.

Jeremy floated above the cage, peering into the elevator where the three others watched in concern.
"Should we leave xim here?" Wallter asked.
"As much as I'd hate to agree with ya.. Good idea." Mark replied.
"Sounds like a plan." Wallter said, smiling.
"WHAT?! No!!" Poob said "We're not leaving xim here!"
Mark groaned as Poob began attempting the obstacle course.

Poob quickly lost balance, wobbling.
"This is not a good idea, Poob!" Wallter yelled out to him.
"I'm almos-" Poob tripped and fell, grabbing onto the edge of the brick beam he was on.
"POOB!" Mark panicked.
Wallter quickly ran over, grabbing Poob and setting him down on the beam.
"Cmon! I knew what I wuz doing!" Poob protested as Wallter gave him a stern glare.
Wallter rolled his eyes as Poob continued bouncing through the parkour.

Gnarpy sat in the cage, clearly agitated. Xe snickered as Poob continuously tripped and fell over, bringing xim some joy. Xe looked up, feeling uneasy at the sight of the horrid pink creature floating above xim. Xe grumbled, crossing xis arms.

Mark hopped onto a circler platform with fire spinning around it. He hopped over one flamethrower, but barely noticed the other one about to come for him. "MARK!" Wallter yelled. Wallter ran over, grabbing Mark and jumping to the other platform. "I didn't need help!" Mark protested, beginning to continue through the obstacles. "You're welcome, wood skull." Wallter mumbled.

Poob leaned up against the wall, careful to not fall into the terrifying pit of lava below them. He watched as a platform slowly went in and out of a wall. As the platform came out again, Poob quickly hopped onto it and over onto the next platform. In front of Poob was the cage. Gnarpy stood up, staring him down. Poob quickly ran over to the button. "NO! STOP!" Jeremy screeched. As Poob pressed the button, he could hear Jeremy scream as they were dissolved into thin air. The cage opened and Gnarpy climbed out. Poob stared at xim before staring to giggle. "Hehe!!1.." Poob laughed at Gnarpy who was wearing a princess dress. "ZHUT UP!" Gnarpy yelled "OR I 'LL THROW YOU INTO THAT PIT OF LAVA!" Poob quickly stopped laughing, but just smiling nervously. "Hah... We don't need to do that.."

Wallter and Mark ran over to them, just finishing the obstacle course. "Oh.. Gnarpy.. Is this ne-" Wallter was cut off by Gnarpy shouting "DONT TALK ABOUT THIZ." Wallter and Mark looked at each other and back at Gnarpy.

The rest of the elevator ride went smoothly, nobody cared to talk to each other, but by the time Poob got home, he couldn't stop laughing and telling Pest about it.

Pretty princess..

(895 words!)

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