-{_.~ Little Caterpillar ~._}-

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Requested by: chr0n1cally0nl1n3_
(Pilby x Mach :3)

Mach sat in her usual spot, on top of some crates. Below her, players began piling into the room, running around and yelling nonsense to each other. Mach hated their gibberish and annoyance, so she was always eager to spin the wheel and see what fate they'd face. She placed and hand on the wheel and spun it. It turned for a moment before slowing to a stop on a purple triangle labeled "REROLL"

Mach frowned, reaching to spin again. The wheel began spinning again for an uncomfortably long moment until it finally landed on a bright cyan triangle labeled "FUN" Mach smiled and turned to the audience, watching as the chaos began to unfold.

Players started screaming and running as some got hit in the head by flying teddys.
Mach whistled to Pilby, signaling for the small caterpillar to come out from hiding. They walked over to Mach, looking up at them. "Are you sure I have to go.. :0(" They said sadly.

It was hard to let go of the little caterpillar, but it was only for a couple hours.
"Sorry Pilby." Mach said, hopping down from the crates "I promise, it's good for you. You'll have to be able to get along in public places without me, no matter how much I wanna be with you."
"Ok.." They respond softly. Mach knelt down and gently hugged them before letting them run off to the elevator.

She watched them go, hoping they'd have a safe trip.


Hours went by.
The light outside Mach's window in her office was slowly starting to fade from a bright white to a faint golden-orange. She sat at her desk, half-awake. She was nearly about to sleep before the elevator had arrived.


Mach lifted her head and turned towards the elevator that slowly slid open. No passengers inside except Pilby. They walked out of the elevator, exhausted and weak. Mach stood up and went over to hem, kneeling beside them. "Are you okay?" She asked, concerned. "Guh.. Players were throwing snowballs at me and tormenting me.. :0(" They'd sniffle.

Mach gently lifted the small bug in her arms, holding them close to her chest. "It's okay." She said "Your back now."
Mach carried them back to her desk and sat down. Pilby sat in her lap, snuggling against her.

They sat there, cuddling quietly as sunset soon faded to night.

They quickly fell asleep.

(413 words!)

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