|_^..{. Cats .}..^_|

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Requested by: Nobody
BUCK 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥💥💯💯💯

Jermbo sat on the floor, reading a book to pass the time. It was getting kind of lonely, nobody really bothered to speak of him that much. Maybe it was a good thing he wasn't that noticed...


Oh! The elevator is here! Without hesitation, Jermbo threw his book to the side and entered the elevator. He was getting sick of the lonely silence anyways. The elevator had no players, but coincidentally a bunch of cat figures. Gnarpy stood off to one corner away from everyone else, DrRETRO stood next to Poptart who was lying on the railings, and Miché cradled Buck in his arms. Jermbo awkwardly walked to a vacant corner, observing the odd group of cats. So weird! An alien cat? A tall jester cat? A doctor cat? How amazing to meet other felines!

"Hello!" Jermbo introduced himself "Im Jermbo!.. How are you all doing?"
"I'm doing just great!" Miché spoke up, extending his arm to shake paws "A pleasure to meet you."
Jermbo willingly shook hands with the jester.
"Waz doing great. Until another pitiful excuze of a cat enter the elevator." Gnarpy hissed.
"What's the matter? Can't handle me?" Poptart giggled, bouncing onto Gnarpy's head.
"Hey.. Aren't you zuppozed to be dead?" Gnarpy asked.
"No!.. Uh.. Am I ?" Poptart said confusingly.
"Well you are. Go get eaten by a gradient, zeebloing!" Gnarpy shoved Poptart off xim, laughing as he fell on his back.
"Knock it off, Gnarpy!" DrRETRO hissed.
"Make me, woman!" Gnarpy challenged.

Miché and Jermbo awkwardly watched as the two began going at each other, trying to rip each other apart. "Now now." Miché said, intervening with the two "We don't need to solve every situation with violence." DrRETRO and Gnarpy passed a hostile look to each other before looking back at Miché. Completely ignoring what happened 5 seconds ago, Gnarpy walked over to Miché and snatched Buck from his arms. "What even iz thiz thing?" Gnarpy said, fiddling with the pin-shaped cat. "Hey! Be careful with that!" Miché cautioned, trying to get it back. Gnarpy examined it closely "Looks... Edible." Xe grinned. "Do not." Miché said very sternly. Gnarpy lifted Buck to his face while Buck was silently shaking his head and pleading not to die.


Miché stared in pure horror and sorrow. "BUCK..." He sobbed "NOOO!!"
Gnarpy laughed, throwing the bottom half of Buck to the floor. Miché stared at Gnarpy with hatred. "YOU WILL PAY!"
Miché grabbed Gnarpy by the neck and threw xim to the floor, beating xim up. Jermbo couldn't do anything but watch the bloody and violent scene. "HE WAS MY FRIEND!" Miché yelled while DrRETRO tried holding him back "HEY, WHAT HAPPENED TO 'WE DONT NEED TO SOLVE EVERY SITUATION WITH VIOLENCE'?!?!" DrRETRO said.


"Welp, uh, good luck with that!" Poptart laughed nervously, quickly leaving the elevator.
"Wait for me!" Jermbo called out, following behind him.


Gnarpy tumbled onto the tall, wet grass. The stars glimmered faintly in the night sky. Xis body ached from being nearly torn to shreds and xis nose leaked blood. Xe sighed "Finally. Peace and quiet..." A dark shadowy figure could be seen approaching and a hissing noise came with it.

Xe was not safe.

(542 words!)

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